Shaun Murphy Quotes

Shaun Murphy quotations
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Shaun Murphy

Crafty Ken beat me 10-9 in the the World Championship a couple of years ago, so it'll be nice to get one over on him!
Shaun Murphy quote

Win lose or draw, I'm having a lot of fun
Shaun Murphy quote

There's not many players who can say they've had the privilege of playing in the Masters. This is the first year I've got there on merit and I'm really looking forward to it
Shaun Murphy quote

Wembley's a class arena and walking out there with just one table and, hopefully, a good audience is something to really cherish
Shaun Murphy quote

The time is right for more good companies to get on board and if that happens then snooker will be very big again, like it was in the 1980s.
Shaun Murphy quote

OK, the number of tournaments has been cut down due to a lack of funds, but all the ones we have now pay for themselves and don't owe anyone any money.
Shaun Murphy quote


Snooker player

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