Steve McClaren Quotes

Steve McClaren quotations
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Steve McClaren

We conceded two quick goals over there, and we're capable of doing the same at home
Steve McClaren quote

I don't read the papers, I don't gamble, I don't even know what day it is!
Steve McClaren quote

Well basically we conceded two goals and lost the game. [on why they lost!]
Steve McClaren quote

This is getting totally out of hand [on his England leadership]
Steve McClaren quote

I'm fighting hard - it's difficult under the weight of criticism but you have to take it
Steve McClaren quote

Someone who has watched a lot of international football told me it was as good a display of football as they had seen over the entire weekend [on England vs Israel]
Steve McClaren quote

You live and die by results, I asked to be judged on that and people have [that £2.5m payoff must have been a particular kick in the teeth]
Steve McClaren quote


Football manager

Steve McClaren Keywords

Manager, Football
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