Thierry Henry Quotes

Thierry Henry quotations
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Thierry Henry

Sometimes in football you have to score goals.
Thierry Henry quote

I'm not a machine [responding to criticisms of his form]
Thierry Henry quote

People are talking about me more than they talk about Eastenders
Thierry Henry quote

I would love this place to be my garden!
[Arsenal's old stadium]
Thierry Henry quote

There are a lot of teams trying to get him but if he can join us then I would welcome him here and he would be a benefit. [on Theo Walcott]
Thierry Henry quote

He's young, with a lot of desire and skills who obviously loves to play [on Theo Walcott]
Thierry Henry quote

I first saw him play in the Youth Cup and I saw him as a player with great pace and a lot of tricks. I've also seen him play this year [on Theo Walcott]
Thierry Henry quote

Who do I owe, and for what? I don't think about the word 'owe'. I owe something to my Dad, yes, who put me on this planet.
Thierry Henry quote


Popular and talented former Arsenal footballer, great goal scorer, moved to Barcelona

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Goal, Scorer, Footballer, Arsenal, Talented, Popular
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