Education and Exams Quotes

Quote of the Day

This bill will ensure young people have a right to high quality vocational education. It will ensure a tough new system to ensure high standards of discipline in the classroom. It will ensure good quality school food for every child. But most importantly it will ensure more good schools in our communities. This is a progressive bill. A reforming bill. A Labour bill.
Ruth Kelly

I know it is the Ides of March today and the prime minister may well feel a little bit uncomfortable at the sound of daggers being sharpened around him. But we, on this side of the House, are here to praise this Education Bill, not to bury it
David Willetts

It's essentially a timid bill with hidden dangers because instead of building a radical fresh agenda for reform for the 21st century, the 11th bill on education from this Labour Government looks back 20 years for its ideas instead of forward
Sarah Teather

These are Tory proposals. You can dance on the head of a pin about whether these are grant maintained schools mark two or not but the reality is that's exactly what they are
Phil Willis

Spinning a set of proposals to curry favour with the Daily Mail and patronising the hell out of Labour MPs is an interesting but ill-advisable political tactic and I trust that ministers have learnt from it
Martin Salter

It can't all be down to better teaching, greater dedication, more intelligent students [on children getting better exam results]
Chris Woodhead, Former Chief Inspector Of Schools

Ofsted report that we have got the best generation of teachers ever
David Miliband

A lot of effort goes into trying to keep the standards constant from year to year. It is simply that the candidates are doing better and better.
David Miliband

They have been outperforming boys at GCSE, A level and in university for years. But now girls are doing better at work too: earning more than boys in the first eight years of their careers
Gabriel Rozenberg

We have to challenge some of the hippy tendencies of the Left on youth activities. Actually what works is structure, discipline, uniform and hierarchy
Richard Darlington

House systems are a good way to harness peer effects in a positive way. There are three main benefits to this approach: it ensures the pupils interact with older and younger peers, that their identity within school is not solely determined by their year or class and that they are members of structured hierarchies
Freedoms Orphans

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