Famous Advertising Slogans

Quote of the Day

Here's our compilation of slogans, whether they be campaign slogans, advertising slogans, funny slogans, company slogans, catchy slogans, beer slogans or any other sort!!! Know any others? Then send them to us!

"On and on with Ariston" - Ariston

"Nothing is more effective than Anadin" - Anadin

"Because life's complicated enough" - Abbey National

"Always Coca Cola" - Coca Cola

"Beanz Meanz Heinz" - Heinz

"The appliance of science" - Zanussi

"They're grrrreat" - Frosties

"I'd rather have a bowl of Coco Pops" - Coco Pops

"Go to school on an egg" - Eggs

"A mars a day helps you work rest and play" - Mars

"No nonsense" - John Smiths

"The future's bright the future's orange" - Orange

"Don't live a little, live a lotto" - Lotto

"Maybe she's born with it? maybe its mabelline"- Mabelline

"It's fun to play together" - xbox live

"Fun anyone?" - Playstation 2

"Live in your world. Play in ours" - Playstation 2.

"I'M LOVIN' IT!" - McDonalds

"Because mums are heroes" - Iceland

"Live to loaf" - Strongbow

"True." - Budweiser

"Probably the best lager in the world" - Carlsberg

"Keep hunger locked up til lunch" - Shreddies

"The joy of Pepsi" - Pepsi Cola

"Du pain, du vin, du boursoin" - Boursoin cheese

"Thank Crunchie it's Friday" - Crunchie

"Intel inside" - Intel

"The world's local bank" - HSBC

"Fluent in finance" - Barclays

"How are you"? - Vodafone

"Just do it" - Nike

"Perfect to you" - Wella

"Keep Walking" - Johnnie Walker

"Washing machines live longer with Calgon" - Calgon

"Have a break have a kitkat" - Kitkat

"Twix its all in the mix" - Twix

"the beer of the Caribbean" Banks beer

"Because I'm worth it" - L'Oreal

"Can you hear me now?? Good!!" - Verison Wireless

"You can't resist the twist!" - Twister

"I'd rather die of thirst than drink from the cup of mediocrity" - Stella Artois

"More reasons to shop at Morrisons" - Morrisons

"'Ch, Ch, Ch, Ch, Charming" - Charming toilet roll

"Clover, loved all over" - Clover butter

"Ah, Bisto!" - Bisto

"Are you a Cadbury's Fruit & Nut case?" - Cadbury's Fruit and Nut

"And all because the lady loves Milk Tray." - Cadbury's Milk Tray

"Snap! Crackle! Pop!" - Kellogg's Rice Krispies
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