
Quote of the Day
Soundbytes are all around us in the modern world. The soundbyte is a great way of capturing an important message easily. Hence soundbytes are the mainstay of the modern media and politician. Here are a selection of recent soundbytes:

Soundbyte 1

Soundbyte:The solution to excessive borrowing and debt cannot be more borrowing and debt, and now we have a government that knows it... The money you were promised by the last Labour government never existed, it was never there, and we have been left with the task of telling you the truth.
Said by:William Hague
Said What?:The Foreign Secretary at the start of the Conservative Party Conference...
Date:Sun, Oct 2nd 2011

Soundbyte 2

Soundbyte:"You cannot lie to players, you cannot lie to fans. We need a little more respect. It was raining. I'm the first person here who wanted to play but not if it's raining. Grand Slams feel like they have too much power, they don't care about the players. It's not right. I can't say I don't want to go on court. The ATP must have enough power to say we cannot go on court if it's raining. At Grand Slams we don't have power, this has to change."
Said by:Rafael Nadal
Said What?:Nadal speaks out about going on court for just a few minutes at the US Open before rain stopped play...
Date:Thu, Sep 8th 2011

Soundbyte 3

Soundbyte:I beat top players this week... It wasn't expected, but I always knew I could do it. Sometimes it does take a little while to come out. There are guys who stop playing their best tennis when they're 18, 19, 20, and there's other guys from 24, 25, 26. If you look at the average age in the top 100, it's around 26. Hopefully I can finish in the top 100 by the end of the year. It would be nice.
Said by:James Ward
Said What?:The British number two reflects on his surprise run to the semi-finals of the Aegon tennis Championship at the Queens Club...
Date:Mon, Jun 13th 2011

Soundbyte 4

Soundbyte:Some of us never had many illusions about the Conservatives, but they have emerged as ruthless, calculating and thoroughly tribal. But that doesn't mean to say we can't work with them. I think they have always been that way, but you have to be businesslike and professional and you have to work with people who aren't your natural bedfellows and that is being grown-up in politics.
Said by:Vince Cable
About:The Conservatives
Said What?:The language Vince Cable used to describe his coalition partners has surprised many and not struck them as either businesslike or professional...
Date:Sat, May 7th 2011

Soundbyte 5

Soundbyte:We've seen Judd move up through the gears and he's come here and absolutely annihilated the game. He's brought a different standard than we've seen for many a year in the shots he takes on - those that are considered to be the right and wrong shots. Shot selection has gone out of the window with Judd!
Said by:Steve Davis
About:Judd Trump
Said What?:Steve Davis on new snooker 'sensation' Judd Trump who played aggressively but couldn't quite beat John Higgins in the world snooker final...
Date:Tue, May 3rd 2011

Soundbyte 6

Soundbyte:I played great, I played really well. I dominated the match from the second or third game. I was a bit tentative towards the end but that's natural. I didn't give him a chance to play his game until the end.
Said by:Andy Murray
Said What?:Andy Murray on finally winning a match after having lost nine straight sets in his previous four matches...
Date:Wed, Apr 13th 2011

Soundbyte 7

Soundbyte:I want to apologise for any offence that may have been caused by my goal celebration, especially any parents or children that were watching. Emotions were running high and on reflection my heat-of-the-moment reaction was inappropriate. It was not aimed at anyone in particular.
Said by:Wayne Rooney
Said What?:Wayne Rooney apologises after being heard swearing by a TV camera in Man U's win over West Ham...
Date:Sun, Apr 3rd 2011

Soundbyte 8

Soundbyte:The vision the chancellor outlined is a simpler, fairer tax system and private sector job creation in the regions, instead of what he dubbed a 'debt-fuelled economy'
Said by:Nick Robinson
About:George Osborne
Topic:The Budget
Said What?:BBC political correspondent Nick Robinson on the chancellor's budgetary vision...
Date:Thu, Mar 24th 2011

Soundbyte 9

Soundbyte:You run out of words to describe Ryan Giggs. He is a marvellous player and a wonderful man. To have the desire and the ability to play at the top level in such a physically demanding position at his age requires a special person. He is still turning in man-of-the-match performances and his experience is so vital for the younger players in the squad.
Said by:Sir Alex Ferguson
About:Ryan Giggs
Said What?:The Man Utd gaffer praises Giggs who has just signed another year's contract extension at the age of 37...
Date:Fri, Feb 18th 2011

Soundbyte 10

Soundbyte:[RK] Somebody better get down there and explain offside to her... [AG] Women don't know the offside rule
Said by:Richard Keys and Andy Gray
About:Female assistant Sian Massey
Topic:Women In Football
Said What?:The linchpins of Sky Sports football coverage land themselves in hot water for comments the MD of Sky Sports called "inexcusable"
Date:Mon, Jan 24th 2011

Soundbyte 11

Soundbyte:I have decided to resign from the shadow cabinet for personal reasons to do with my family. I have found it difficult to cope with these personal issues in my private life whilst carrying out an important frontbench role.
Said by:Alan Johnson
Said What?:The now former Shadow Chancellor on quitting his role, following many recent gaffes made...
Date:Thu, Jan 20th 2011

Soundbyte 12

Soundbyte:It's going to be heart-wrenching to see the devastation. My mind and heart have been there, I haven't really been thinking about the cricket too much to be honest. It's going to be nice to get up there and feel like I can actually help out in some way.
Said by:Shane Watson
Topic:Australian Floods
Said What?:The Aussie batsman who's been pretty much their only in-form player against England speaks about the floods in Queensland...
Date:Mon, Jan 17th 2011

Soundbyte 13

Soundbyte:I have found the last few months some of the most challenging of my career. I am very sad not to have been able to put my stamp on the squad, to be given the time to bring new players into the club in this transfer window and to have been able to be part of the rebuilding process at Liverpool.
Said by:Roy Hodgson
About:Liverpool football club
Said What?:Roy Hodgson on being sacked as manager of Liverpool after their disappointing season to date under his leadership...
Date:Sat, Jan 8th 2011

Soundbyte 14

Soundbyte:Shane Watson has suggested England were lucky to bowl on a green-top early on the first day, and lucky to bowl on a dry, abrasive pitch second time round, but that is nonsense. The gulf between the bowling attacks is colossal.
Said by:Jonathan Agnew
About:England and Australia
Topic:The Ashes
Said What?:BBC cricket correspondent Agnew notes how much stronger the England bowling attack is than the Australian one as England retain the Ashes...
Date:Wed, Dec 29th 2010

Soundbyte 15

Soundbyte:What we are doing is giving universities the opportunity to maintain high standards by charging better off graduates later in life more than they are at the moment. Obviously I have a duty as a minister to vote for my own policy - and that is what will happen.
Said by:Vince Cable
Said What?:The Business Secretary re-assures people that he will actually vote in favour of his own policy...
Date:Sun, Dec 5th 2010

Soundbyte 16

Soundbyte:The manner in which the chairman chose to do this demonstrates a loss of trust and confidence in me and leaves me with no respect for him. I have today resigned from Glamorgan County Cricket Club with immediate effect. I have done so because Glamorgan have effectively dismissed me by removing the captaincy from me, recruiting a new post above Matthew Maynard and me, recruiting a new overseas player and captain in Alviro Petersen.
Said by:Jamie Dalrymple
Topic:Glamorgan Cricket
Said What?:All change at Glamorgan county cricket club as President Peter Walker, Matthew Maynard and now Dalrymple have all gone in quick succession...
Date:Thu, Nov 18th 2010

Soundbyte 17

Soundbyte:I think he's a very cute, worldly lad for how young he is. He had no problem with relating to the older players. With Wayne, everyone's the same. He'd talk to David Beckham the same as he'd talk to a new player coming into the squad who plays for Stoke or Bolton. That's the beauty of him, I think, as a person.
Said by:Frank Lampard
About:Wayne Rooney
Said What?:Frank Lampard describing Wayne Rooney on the BBC sport website...
Date:Mon, Nov 8th 2010

Soundbyte 18

Soundbyte:Citizenship is not a transaction in which you put your taxes in and get your services out... it is a relationship, you're part of something bigger than yourself, it matters what you think and you feel and you do. So to get out of the mess that we're in, changing the government is not enough, we need to think about ourselves and our role in society. Your country needs you!
Said by:David Cameron
Said What?:The PM uses the famous 'Your country needs you' line during his leader's speech at the Tory party conference in Birmingham...
Date:Thu, Oct 7th 2010

Soundbyte 19

Soundbyte:I think these labels don't help, that's not the way I would see my leadership. It's not about some lurch to the left, absolutely not.
Said by:Ed Miliband
Topic:Labour Party Leadership
Said What?:The new Labour party leader who has been called 'Red Ed' says he won't lurch the party to the left...
Date:Sun, Sep 26th 2010

Soundbyte 20

Soundbyte:Was he difficult, at times maddening? Yes. But he was also strong, capable and brilliant, and those were qualities for which I never lost respect. When it's said that I should have sacked him, or demoted him, this takes no account of the fact that had I done so, the party and the government would have been severely and immediately destabilised and his ascent to the office of prime minister would probably have been even faster
Said by:Tony Blair
About:Gordon Brown
Topic:His Memoirs
Said What?:Tony Blair on the Prime Minister who came next, Gordon Brown...
Date:Wed, Sep 1st 2010

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