The Jobs We Do!

Quote of the Day

One inevitable fact of life, unless you are born into money, is work - and lots of it. After going to school and getting an education, work dominates our lives. Of course there are many, many potential careers. Here we look at people's thoughts on some of these careers, through quotations:

No poet ever interpreted nature as freely as a lawyer interprets the truth
- Jean Giraudoux

Lawyers tend to get some pretty harsh treatment in the quotation world, and their existence in our lives is now more pervasive than ever before. With the litigation culture and people being sued for everything, the only winners these days truly are the lawyers.

A judge is a student who marks his own exam paper.
- Anon

In keeping with the legal theme, this particular quote is an insightful look into the attitudes of many regarding judges, particularly in grey areas of the law!

Did you ever notice that when a politician does get an idea he usually gets it all wrong
- Don Marquis

Here Don Marquis gives short shrift to politicians, as indeed would most individuals. The solution that modern day politicians have had to this tricky conundrum is either not to have any ideas so that they can't be wrong, or just to make their position so vague that no-one quite knows what their position is.

If you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome: if you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent: if you believe the soldiers, nothing is safe.
- Lord Salisbury

Unfortunately it seems that Lord Salisbury found it pretty hard to trust the opinion of anyone other than himself, with doctors, soldiers and theologians being commented on above.

An accountant is someone who knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing.
- Anon

This pithy quote sums up the attitude of many people towards their accountant. Similarly, a consultant is often defined as someone who charges you money to tell you what you already know.

For a salesman, there is no rock bottom to life... He's a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine.
- Arthur Miller

Salesmen often get a lot of stick, but here Miller shows one thing they do possess - a certain level of optimism, whereby whatever they are trying to sell you they seem to genuinely believe will fill a crucial void in your life!

For an artist to marry his model is as fatal as for a gourmet to marry his cook: the one gets no sittings, and the other gets no dinners.
- Oscar Wilde

Wilde humorously comments on the problems that can occur if people who follow different professions intermingle - some are definitely more compatible than others!

Actors are cattle.
- Alfred Hitchcock

People think many things about actors - many idolise them and every step they take. Many envy them for the incredible salaries and lifestyles they are afforded, well above that of the common man. But Hitchcock brings them down to earth with a bang!

If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible he is almost certainly right, but if he says that it is impossible he is very probably wrong.
- Arthur C. Clarke

It's a tough life being a scientist - unless, of course, you say that everything is possible - that way you can't go wrong, at least for Arthur C. Clarke!

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