Beauty Quotes

Quote of the Day
Beauty is truth, and truth is beauty
John Keats

Beauty hath no lustre save when it gleameth through the crystal web that purity's fine fingers weave for it.
Charles Maturin

I think there's a great beauty to having problems. That's one of the ways we learn.
Herbie Hancock

I can't live without my beauty products. I love to be in my bathroom with my candles lit, morning, noon and night. I like taking hot baths and hot showers, using my body scrubs and lotions.
Traci Bingham

The beauty of the world has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.
Virginia Woolf

Strange that the vanity which accompanies beauty - excusable, perhaps, when there is such great beauty, or at any rate understandable - should persist after the beauty was gone.

Remember if you marry for beauty, thou bindest thyself all thy life for that which perchance, will neither last nor please thee one year: and when thou hast it, it will be to thee of no price at all.
Virginia Woolf

For most people, we often marvel at the beauty of a sunrise or the magnificence of a full moon, but it is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the universe that surrounds us.
Richard H Baker

The reason people think I look good now is because I was never a beauty as a wee girl. And thank heavens. It's frightening to get old anyway, but if your looks were the cornerstone of your life, well, it would be very difficult.

I slept, and dreamed that life was beauty; I woke, and found that life was duty. (Beauty and Duty)
Ellen Sturgis Hooper

A poor beauty finds more lovers than husbands
George Herbert

The worst thing is when the press call me a dizzy blonde - I got a B in Drama, a D in English, I did a hairdressing course and a beauty certificate.
Helen Adams

For he being dead, with him is beauty slain, And, beauty dead, black chaos comes again. Venus and Adonis line 1019
William Shakespeare

Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty - a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture.
Bertrand Russell

Leave those vain moralists, my friend, and return to the depth of your soul: that is where you will always rediscover the source of the sacred fire which so often inflamed us with love of the sublime virtues; that is where you will see the eternal image of true beauty, the contemplation of which inspires us with a holy enthusiasm. (La Nouvelle Heloise)
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Beauty is a great gift of heaven; not for the purpose of female vanity, but a great gift for one who loves, and wishes to be beloved
Maria Edgeworth

Our flag is a thing of beauty and inspiration if you look at it with the right perspective. The flag is beautiful... it's not the fault of the flag some of the people making decisions for our country are not. The government makes very poor decisions... OFTEN... but don't blame the flag. Try to remember what raising it at Iwo Jima meant to the surviving 27 men who lived to see it raised on Mount Suribachi. How many flag burners would burn that flag?
John A Marshall

I was the kind nobody thought could make it. I had a funny Boston accent. I couldn't pronounce my R's. I wasn't a beauty.
Brendan Francis Behan

The hero of my tale - whom I love with all the power of my soul, whom I have tried to portray in all his beauty, who has been, is, and will be beautiful - is Truth (Sevastopol in May)
Leo Tolstoy

It is conventional to call 'monster' any blending of dissonant elements. I call 'monster' every original inexhaustible beauty.
Alfred Jarry

Then beauty is its own excuse for being.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The beauty myth moves for men as a mirage; its power lies in its ever-receding nature. When the gap is closed, the lover embraces only his own disillusion.
Herman Melville

A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.
Aldo Leopold

Rock and Roll is not just a series of sounds of music refrains. Rock and Roll, like Love and Beauty, is an entity. It's around us everywhere. It feels good.
John A Marshall

What's true beauty but fair virtue's face, - virtue made visible in outward grace
Edward Young

'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' —that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
John Keats

The flowers anew, returning seasons bring; But beauty faded has no second spring. (The First Pastoral)
Ambrose Philips

There is certainly no absolute standard of beauty. That precisely is what makes its pursuit so interesting.

When forty winters shall besiege thy brow, And dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field... Sonnet 2
William Shakespeare

Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

'When I look into the eyes of my Prince, and my daughter Paris, I see miracles and I see beauty.'
Michael Jackson

Beauty and grace command the world.
Park Benjamin

I'm still figuring out why people would want to look at me. Maybe it's generic beauty, but it's weird to be valued for something I was born with.
Josie Maran

Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.
Edgar Allan Poe

There's beauty all around our paths, if but our watchful eyes
Can trace it 'midst familiar things, and through their lowly guise
Felicia Hemans

Beauty is no quality in things themselves. It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them. (Essays, Moral, Political and Literary)
David Hume

A special kind of beauty exists which is born in language, of language, and for language.
Gaston Bachelard

Real beauty is to be true to oneself. That's what makes me feel good.
Laetitia Casta

If you get simple beauty and naught else, you get about the best thing God invents.
Robert Browning

Throughout the year so many draw pleasure from the beauty of the cathedral [Hereford] being decorated with flowers.
Emma Stansfield

Exuberance is beauty.
William Blake

Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and beholder.
Aldous Huxley

Many a genius has been slow of growth. Oaks that flourish for a thousand years do not spring up into beauty like a reed.
G H Lewes

Let us live for the beauty of our own reality.
Charles Lamb

States are now being forced to join an international beauty contest to compete for foreign investment.
Zwelinzima Vavi

Anything in any way beautiful derives its beauty from itself and asks nothing beyond itself. Praise is no part of it, for nothing is made worse or better by praise.
Marcus Aurelius

Love is the beauty of the soul.
Saint Augustine

The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Nicola is absolutely stunning. It's up to the casting directors but we really hope she gets through. She didn't let on to the casting directors she was a beauty queen. [on Nicola Jolly joining Hollyoaks]
Ali Bastian

Through loyalty to the past, our mind refuses to realize that tomorrow's joy is possible only if today's makes way for it; that each wave owes the beauty of its line only to the withdrawal of the preceding one.
André Gide

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