Ethics and morality Quotes

Quote of the Day
I can do no other than be reverent before everything that is called life. I can do no other than to have compassion for all that is called life. That is the beginning and the foundation of all ethics.
Albert Schweitzer

Grub first, then ethics.
Bertolt Brecht

Moralities, ethics, laws, customs, beliefs, doctrines - these are of trifling import. All that matters is that the miraculous become the norm.
Henry Miller

Ethics, as has been well said, are the finest fruits of humanity, but they are not its roots
Dinah Maria Mulock

This only is denied to God: the power to change the past (Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, VI)

Compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind.
Albert Schweitzer

Custom has furnished the only basis which ethics have ever had, and there is no conceivable human action which custom has not at one time justified and at another condemned.
Joseph Wood Krutch

Keep Darwinian thinking out of cosmology, out of psychology, out of human culture, out of ethics, politics, and religion!
Daniel Dennett

We're having a philosophical discussion about the yob ethics of professional footballers.
Tom Stoppard

Ethics is nothing else than reverence for life.
Albert Schweitzer

Having George W. Bush giving a lecture on business ethics is like having a leper give you a facial, it just doesn't work!
Robin Williams

Every aspect of Western culture needs a new code of ethics - a rational ethics - as a precondition of rebirth.
Ayn Rand

Let me give you a definition of ethics: It is good to maintain and further life it is bad to damage and destroy life.
Albert Schweitzer

'Is it easy to love God?' asks an old author. 'It is easy,' he replies, 'to those who do it.' I have included two Graces under the word Charity. But God can give a third. He can awake in man, towards Himself, a supernatural Appreciative love. This is of all gifts the most to be desired. Here, not in our natural loves, nor even in ethics, lies the true centre of all human and angelic life. With this all things are possible.
C S Lewis

Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar.
D H Lawrence

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