Risk Quotes

Quote of the Day
It is vital that we raise awareness of the risks faced by drug misusers.
Ian McCartney

We Americans know - although others appear to forget - the risk of spreading conflict. We still seek no wider war.
Lyndon Johnson

Let us rather run the risk of wearing out than rusting out.
Theodore Roosevelt

The biggest risk in life is to risk nothing at all

Creating a close connection to those you do business with has its many risks, rewards and consequences. There are few things in business I have encountered that are more difficult than firing someone, particularly if that someone has always been, or has become a friend.
Mark Cuban

In plucking the fruit of memory one runs the risk of spoiling its bloom (The Arrow of Gold)
Joseph Conrad

One should never risk a joke, even of the mildest and most unexceptional charters, except among people of culture and wit.
Jean De La Bruyere

To be alive at all involves some risk.
Harold McMillan

My career as a model. I was due to go to University. It was a risk but it was the right decision. [greatest risk]
Lucy Pinder

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
T S Eliot

'Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You can't stare at it long, it's too risky. You get a sense of it then you look away.'
Jerry Seinfield

Our lives improve only when we take chances and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.
Walter Anderson

It is not in giving life but in risking life that man is raised above the animal; that is why superiority has been accorded in humanity not to the sex that brings forth but to that which kills. (Le deuxieme sexe)
Simone De Beauvoir

The risk presented by these lethal wastes is like no other risk, and we should not be expected to accept it or to project it into the future in order for manufacturers and utilities to make a dollar killing now.
David Brower

Life, like poker has an element of risk. It shouldn't be avoided. It should be faced.
Edward Norton

Andrew [Lloyd-Webber] you have taken a great risk... who is going to be your Joseph? [the unknown being hiring a former understudy and getting the BBC to give weeks and weeks of free publicity to the show therefore guaranteeing its success]
Graham Norton

During the first period of a man's life the greatest danger is not to take the risk.
Soren Kierkegaard

They [governing bodies] have to do something, otherwise more and more referees will be forced out of the game. [after the retirement of Anders Frisk]
Urs Meier

I went to Ft Bragg and learned that Delta was indeed gearing up for the rescue. Still I was concerned the Reagan staff would not be willing to take the risk of sending an official military force into Laos.
Bo Gritz

When we allow ourselves to become vulnerable, to take chances, and to risk our pride, that is when we find our own glory.
Richard Corman

That's the risk you take if you change: that people you've been involved with won't like the new you. But other people who do will come along.
Lisa Alther

During the investigation evidence of the vulnerability of women in the modelling profession was startling and models are at high risk of eating disorders.
Baroness Kingsmill

It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything.

Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.
Warren Buffett

There is small risk a general will be regarded with contempt by those he leads, if, whatever he may have to preach, he shows himself best able to perform.

Great deeds are usually wrought at great risks

Decision is a risk rooted in the courage of being free.
Paul Tillich

To get rich never risk your health.
Richard Baker

When a woman marries again, it is because she detested her first husband. When a man marries again, it is because he adored his first wife. Women try their luck; men risk theirs. [The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891]
Oscar Wilde

I have a problem with censorship by the lawyer - by legal people by the publishing firm, and I may be changing publishers. They don't seem to want to take too many risks with living people.
Kenneth Anger

Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people
Philip Andrew Adams

And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
Anais Nin

I must tell you I take terrible risks. Because my playing is very clear, when I make a mistake you hear it. If you want me to play only the notes without any specific dynamics, I will never make one mistake. Never be afraid to dare.
Vladimir Horowitz

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.
Mary L Cook

The moment somebody says 'this is very risky' is the moment it becomes attractive to me.
Kate Capshaw

He who spends time regretting the past loses the present and risks the future.

At the risk of sounding naff, it is having hope fulfilled [idea of happiness]
Brenda Blethyn

Hesitation increases in relation to risk in equal proportion to age.
Ernest Hemingway

Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.
Katherine Mansfield

I risked getting my tyres nicked by going to Robbie Fowler's home in Liverpool!
Kevin Keegan

The average man's judgment is so poor, he runs a risk every time he uses it.
Edgar Watson Howe

Here are a list of Quotes from the delightful Northern Irish Comedian Danny McCrossan

Even the most powerful lie detector invented couldn’t drag a secret out of a woman, however, women rarely have lunch with lie detectors… - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian

See women need to talk because they feel like they have to have adequate levels of communication in order to sustain a healthy and open relationship, whereas men are only driven to speak because of matters beyond their control, like not being able to find clean socks. - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

In Pagan times, uninspired people made sacrifices at the altar, and today, thanks to marraige, many still do. - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

When women are bored they do the usual things, they eat, they go shopping, they neurotically judge the looks of other women, but men, men invade another country! - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

Anything that I’ve ever done that ended up worthwhile, initially scared me to death. Wether it was walking out on stage for that very first time, or asking a girl to include me in her plans for the future, but you know what, You have to risk everything sometimes or you risk even more. It’s not the challenges we face that define us, it’s the actions we take. - Danny McCrossan -Northern irish Comedian.

Everyone had big plans for me when I was younger, it was a cliche “Danny can do anything he wants to do” So I did the only thing I ever thought was worthwhile, bring laughter into the world. How I came to been seen as somewhat of a dissapointment to all those people who had made plans for me, well that still makes me chuckle. - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

You learn alot in your teenage years, for instance I learned that if you’re ever being chased by a police dog, try not to go through a little tunnel, then onto a mini seesaw and then jump through a ring of fire, they’ve trained for that y’see. - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

Asking people in Northern Ireland what they think of politics is like asking the Jews what they think of Hitler. - Danny MCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

There are too many warnings on packaging these days - defrost before eating - Use as directed - I mean, what’s next, you buy a packet of condoms, warning - may contain nuts! - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

I say don’t conform, don’t allow yourself to be pigeon holed, it’s no good for the soul, and the pigeon doesn’t enjoy it either. - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

I remember how nervous I was my very first gig and I remember when I walked out on stage and spoke those words, how the audience laughed and laughed. I swore, there and then, that one day I would have my revenge. - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

The sign said “This door to remain closed at all times” Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t that defeat the purpose of a door? - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.
Danny McCrossan

There is something about jumping a horse over a fence, something that makes you feel good. Perhaps it's the risk, the gamble. In any event it's a thing I need.
William Faulkner

There are one hundred men seeking security to one able man who is willing to risk his fortune.
J P Getty

The most threatened group in human societies as in animal societies is the unmated male: the unmated male is more likely to wind up in prison or in an asylum or dead than his mated counterpart. He is less likely to be promoted at work and he is considered a poor credit risk.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan

Often the difference between a successful man and a failure is not one's better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on his ideas, to take a calculated risk, and to act.
Maxwell Maltz

In America any boy may become president, and I suppose that's the risk he takes.
Adlai E Stevenson

A woman simply is, but a man must become. Masculinity is risky and elusive. It is achieved by a revolt from woman, and it is confirmed only by other men. Manhood coerced into sensitivity is no manhood at all.
Camille Paglia

Let me advise thee not to talk of thyself as being old. There is something in Mind Cure, after all, and if thee continually talks of thyself as being old, thee may perhaps bring on some of the infirmities of age. At least I would not risk it if I were thee.
Hannah Whitall Smith

To introduce something altogether new would mean to begin all over, to become ignorant again, and to run the old, old risk of failing to learn.
Isaac Asimov

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