Sport Quotes

Quote of the Day
There are good reasons for doing this now, because of the change to technology, the fact that we will have to pay for biometric passports and the ID card part of it is a very small additional cost [on introducing ID cards]
Tony Blair

Sport went hand in hand with science.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

The Nemesis of excess in athletics is professionalism, which is the death of all true sport.
E N Gardiner

People in the States used to think that if girls were good at sports their sexuality would be affected.
Martina Navratilova

Theatre sports is the best improv training period.
Wayne Brady

It will send a clear message to those who would seek to exploit athletes: get out of the sports world now or go to jail.
Howard Berman

He will never be dull to strangers who joins in sport with his own family.
Titus Maccius Plautus

Sporting Lisbon in their green and white hoops, looking like a team of zebras.
Peter Jones

I always turn to the sports section first... the front page has nothing but man's failures.
Earl Warren

When people come together, go to each other's country, and watch a conflict being played out on the field of sport, as opposed to the field of battle... then why can't that same spirit, that same philosophy, infect other aspects of relations? [Hoping India and Pakistan would develop their relationship off the pitch]
Colin Powell

I don't believe she will ever be able to repair her image. For the sake of her own well-being and the sport, it would be best if she went away quietly.
[Marion Jones]
Michael Johnson

There is something for everyone in sports.
Arnold Beisser

Who bids me Hope, and in that charming word
Has peace and transport to my soul restor'd.
Lord George Lyttleton

It doesn't comfort man. On the contrary, it encourages him in his folly, it transports him to the supreme regions where he is. [On the effects of alcohol]
Marguerite Duras

There should be no place whatsoever in any sport for people who take these performance enhancing drugs
Asif Iqbal

There is a syndrome in sports called 'paralysis by analysis'.
Arthur Ashe

'Playing for Success is working tremendously well since its launch five years ago. It's getting lots of schoolkids more involved with their local sports teams while teaching them the basics in a way that interests them.' - on initiatives to improve English rugby
Johnny Wilkinson

I'm afraid I'm not really interested in starting off someone's career and trying to turn a nobody into a someone. All my expertise, and all my recent knowledge, lies at the top end of the sport.
Colin Jackson

Being an Olympian is the ultimate test of one's sporting ability.
Russell Mark

I never did like working out - it bears the same relationship to real sport as masturbation does to sex.
David Lodge

For many sportsmen, coming face to face with irrefutable evidence of their mortality is the moment they dread above all others.
Ian Botham

A rabid sports fan is one that boos a TV set.
Jimmy Cannon

Baseball is the only major sport that appears backward in a mirror.
George Carlin

But yet not cloy thy lips with loathed satiety, but rather famish them amid their plenty, making them red and pale with fresh variety, ten kisses short as one, one long as twenty! a summer´s day will seem an hour but short, being wasted in such time beguiling sport. (venus´n´adonis, poem)
William Shakespeare

Sport is part of every man and woman's heritage and its absence can never be compensated for.
Baron Pierre De Coubertin

Sport must be amateur or it is not sport. Sports played professionally are entertainment.
Avery Brundage

I have recently taken up two new sports: roller skating and ankle spraining, in that order. I am getting quite good at both.
Miles Kington

Sport, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose... It's how drunk you get.
Homer Simpson

By working with Stella McCartney I have been able to combine two things that are important to me - my sport and my style.
Maria Kirilenko

I don't watch movies a lot. I watch sporting events. Because you can never tell how they're going to end.
Michael Douglas

David transcends the sport and is a cultural icon. David is clearly one of the most recognisable athletes in the world. People are going to feel really good about David Beckham spending the rest of his career in the US.
Frank Yallop

The understanding of being is clarified by sport.
Howard Slusher

It's virtually a different sport, a different game... in the World Cup when they fancy themselves against you and you fancy yourself against them.
Michael Owen

There's probably no other sport [than tennis], and very few professions in this world, where a woman can earn as much as a man.
John McEnroe

Man is a sporting as well as a praying animal.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Men are the sport of circumstances when it seems circumstances are the sport of men.
Lord Byron

When drugs are used in any sport it is not a great day for that sport and this not a great day for cricket
Andrew Strauss

This sport is just as much about your teammates as you and your individual performance.
Mia Hamm

I think Billie Jean King made huge inroads for women, but Andre made our sport cool, popular with the younger crowd, exciting.
Lindsay Davenport

We all owe a little debt of gratitude for what he's done because he's transcended the sport to become an international superstar, more so than any other tennis player over the last 20 years. [Agassi]
James Blake

This decision will only strengthen the bond between women players and one of the world's great sporting events [on equal prize money at Wimbledon]
Maria Sharapova

Of course a sports psychologist can help - it's certainly helped me [on Wayne Rooney]
David James

I agree with women's rugby. At an early age, I think girls are better and more skilful players than boys. Whether the game goes professional or not is a difficult one because obviously you need a support base, and the support base in Wales at the moment is generally for male rugby. But I've got no issue with women playing rugby - it's a great sport that should be played by everyone.
Gareth Thomas

The capacity of sporting journalists to wax lyrical in the face of the exceptional is matched only by the speed with which they run out of adjectives in doing so.
Derek Malcolm

The only athletic sport I ever mastered was backgammon.
Douglas William Jerrold

London has what it takes to host the greatest sporting show on earth [on the 2012 Olympic bid]
Bradley Wiggins

Very little is known of the Canadian country since it is rarely visited by anyone but the Queen and illiterate sport fishermen.
P J O'Rourke

Baseball is a sport that gives you the highest highs and lows, there is nothing like a great game to get the adrenaline flowing and make you feel alive.
Dwight Gooden

London Transport commissioned a study to find out why buses were running late and it turned out it was because they kept stopping to let people on.
Rory McGrath

One thing that rugby is generally is incredibly fair, and with it being a team sport no individual is bigger than the game itself
Jeremy Guscott

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