Success Quotes

Quote of the Day
My own dreams fortunately came true in this great state. I became Mr. Universe; I became a successful businessman. And even though some people say I still speak with a slight accent, I have reached the top of the acting profession.
Arnold Schwarzenegger

My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.
George Washington

Of course there is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.
Arthur Rubinstein

You don't have to half-naked to be successful; just talented.
Amy Lee

Success and failure are equally disastrous.
Tennessee Williams

You can be a famous poisoner or a successful poisoner, but not both, and the same seems to apply to Great Train Robbers.
Clive Anderson

Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world.
Lily Tomlin

And I am ready, I think, to help this country move into its new generation where I think the challenges we face are ones that, because of the values that bind us as a country together, we are uniquely able to say that we are going to be one of the great global success stories of the future
Gordon Brown

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
Thomas Edison

I don't believe in the so-called Latino explosion when it comes to movies. Jennifer Lopez doesn't have an accent. She grew up in New York speaking English not Spanish. Her success is very important because she represents a different culture, but it doesn't help me. I grew up in Mexico, not the US, and the fact is that there just aren't any parts for Latin actresses. I have to persuade people that my accent won't be a problem, but an asset.
Salma Hayek

In Hollywood a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk.
Rita Rudner

The greatest thing a man can do in this world is to make the most possible out of the stuff that has been given him. This is success, and there is no other.
Orison Swett Marden

If a man has been his mother's undisputed darling he retains throughout life the triumphant feeling, the confidence in success, which not seldom brings actual success along with it.
Sigmund Freud

If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results.
Anthony Robbins

There are those who travel and those who are going somewhere. They are different and yet they are the same. The success has this over his rivals: He knows where he is going.
Mark Caine

Success is the maximum utilisation of the ability that you have
Zig Ziglar

Success is the sweetest revenge.
Vanessa Williams

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love
what you are doing, you will be successful
Herman Cain

One man has enthusiasm 10 minutes, another 10 days, but it is the man who has it 10 years who makes a success of his life.
Edward B Butler

Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.
Conrad Hilton

My goal is to appeal to as many people as I can. I'm not looking to leave country, but I do want to have more international success.
Shania Twain

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.
Babe Ruth

Success brings many to ruin.

I know that this team has had tremendous success in recent years and is firmly a premiership club and I hope to contribute fully.
Bruno N'gotty

This is an enormous club and has had so much success in the last couple of years, I think that he [Mourinho] is one of those managers who can get the best out of the players.
Claude Makelele

Success to me is having ten honeydew melons and eating only the top half of each slice.
Barbra Streisand

I was confident that I would coach the England team through to a successful World Cup in 2007, notwithstanding the setbacks that we have had through the autumn
Andy Robinson

The more successful I become, the more I need a man.
Beyonce Knowles

Success is as ice cold and lonely as the North Pole.
Vicki Baum

Against the beautiful and the clever and the successful, one can wage a pitiless war, but not against the unattractive: then the millstone weighs on the breast.
Graham Greene

Whenever I attempt to frame a simple idea of time, abstracted from the succession of ideas in my mind, which flows uniformly, and is participated by all beings, I am lost and embrangled in inextricable difficulties.
George Berkeley

Success and failure are both difficult to endure. Along with success come drugs, divorce, fornication, bullying, travel, meditation, medication, depression, neurosis and suicide. With failure comes failure.
Joseph Heller

If Andy Murray has as successful a career as Tim, he will have done fantastically
Andrew Castle

Oh for a lodge in some vast wilderness, Some boundless contiguity of shade, Where rumour of oppression and deceit, Of unsuccessful or successful war, Might never reach me more.
William Cowper

What I have in common with the character in ‘Truman’ is this incredible need to please people. I feel like I want to take care of everyone and I also feel this terrible guilt if I am unable to. And I have felt this way ever since all this success started.
Jim Carrey

Success is a great deodorant. It takes away all your past smells.
Elizabeth Taylor

Arsenal have been successful, and that's hard for Spurs fans to take.
Robbie Keane

Who can wonder at the attractiveness of the bar, for our ambitious young men, when the highest bribes of society are at the feet of the successful orator?
Marsilio Ficino

Success is a public affair. Failure is a private funeral.
Rosalind Russell

Often a certain abdication of prudence and foresight is an element of success.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

It was phenomenal. I was doing two ongoing series, each totally different from the other, and they were both successful. [On a very successful acting period in his career]
William Daniels

The world tolerates conceit from those who are successful, but not from anybody else.
John Blake

Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success
Christopher Lasch

For an actress to be a success, she must have the face of a Venus, the brains of a Minerva, the grace of Terpsichore, the memory of a Macaulay, the figure of Juno, and the hide of a rhinoceros.
Ethel Barrymore

Though a hundred crooked paths may conduct to a temporary success, the one plain and straight path of public and private virtue can alone lead to a pure and lasting fame and the blessings of posterity
Edward Everett

The magic formula that successful businesses have discovered is to treat customers like guests and employees like people.
Thomas J Peters

I really think happiness is very closely aligned with success, and may almost be an interchangeable synonym. Happiness (like success) also comes from doing what we feel called to do in life; however, it's also obvious no one can experience one without the other.
Donna Fargo

An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one.
Charles Horton Cooley

To burn always with this hard, gem-like flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life.
Walter Pater

Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other.
Erma Bombeck

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