Jesse Mccartney Lyrics

Quote of the Day

Group/artist name:

Jesse Mccartney

The Lyrics:

Oh-uh oh-uh oh-uh oh
Oh-uh oh-uh oh-uh oh

It's been about a year now
Ain't seen or heard from you
I been missing you crazy
How do you
how do you sleep?
I found the letter you wrote me
It still smells just like you
Damn those sweet memories
How do you
how do you sleep?
how do you sleep?

Tried my best at moving on
Have yet to find a girl like you
I see things now I didn't before
now I'm wishing
I had more time with you,
How do you stay awake
knowing all I do is think of you?
All the things we thought about
that never will happen again
If I could just see you

If I had my way come an getcha girl
In your favorite car
with the missing top
Remember ‘round my way
where we used to park
and did all those things
to steal your heart

It's been about a year now
Ain't seen or heard from you
I been missing you crazy
How do you
how do you sleep?
I found the letter you wrote me
It still smells just like you
Damn those sweet memories
How do you
how do you sleep?

It's been about a year now
Ain't seen or heard from you
I been missing you crazy
How do you how do you sleep
I found the letter you wrote me
It still smells just like you
Damn those sweet memories
How do you
how do you sleep?
how do you sleep?

Baby all that I hear from my friends
again and again and again
(They come and ask about you)
(They say)
We saw your girl at the game
and damn we gotta say
a big mistake by you.
Not only does your body bang
but I miss the conversation too
Tell me that you’re gettin’ more sleep
Can’t think
can’t eat
till I come see you

If I had my way Come and getcha girl
In your favorite car
with the missing top
Remember ‘round my way
where we used to park
and did all those things
to steal your heart

It's been about a year now
Ain't seen or heard from you
I been missing you crazy
How do you how do you sleep
I found the letter you wrote me
It still smells just like you
Damn those sweet memories
How do you
how do you sleep?
how do you sleep?

Oh-uh oh-uh oh-uh oh
Oh-uh oh-uh oh-uh oh

It's been about a year now
Ain't seen or heard from you
I been missing you crazy
How do you how do you sleep
I found the letter you wrote me
It still smells just like you
Damn those sweet memories
How do you
how do you sleep?

It's been about a year now
Ain't seen or heard from you
I been missing you crazy
How do you how do you sleep
I found the letter you wrote me
It still smells just like you
Damn those sweet memories
How do you
How do you sleep?
How do you sleep?

Oh-uh oh-uh oh-uh oh

If you see my girl just tell her i miss her smile, tell her i'm countng the minutes gonna see her in a little while, oh cuz i know when she holds on to me she's the one thing that i could never live without ohhh and tell her i love her <3

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