Nickelback Lyrics

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The Lyrics:

This is how you remind me

im sick of sight without a sense of feeling

'You see it's always a great time, in what other country would a guy in a Gurilla suit come running up to you because you have a camera?' -- Taken from the Nickelback Live at Home DVD

'I like your pants around your feet-And the dirt that's on your knees-And I like the way you still say please-While your looking up at me-Your like my favorite damn disease'

How th e hell did we wind yp like this why wernt we able to see theres somthing we mist track down the table I wish you'de unclech you fists and unpack your suitcase latly theres been too much of this and don't think it's too late nothings wrong just as long as you know that some day I will. Someday some how were gonna mak it all right but not right now I know your wondering when (i know your wondering out of time) some day some how were gonna make it all right but right now.

Feeling Way To Damn Good

how he hell d'we wind up like this?

How the hell did we wind up like this? Why wern't we able, To see the signs that we missed, and try to turn the tables? Nothings wrong, just as long as you kno that one day I will...
Some day, Some how.....

If everyone cared and nobody cried, If everyone loved and nobody lied, If everyone shared and swallowed their pride would we see the day when nobody died.

On my knees, I'll ask, Last chance for one last dance, Cuz with u I'd with stand, All of hell to hold Ur hand...-faraway-

whys whats best for you, always the worst thing for me?

cause somethings gotta go wrong cause im feelin way too damn good

he's drunk again, its time to fight, she must have done something wrong tonight, the living room, becomes a boxing ring, its time to run when you see him clenching his hands. shes just a woman. never again.

I love you, I loved you all along. And I miss you, too far away for far too long. I keep dreamin' you'll be with me and you'll never go, stop breathin' if I don't see you anymore.

tell me wat u want i want a bathroom i can play baseball in and a king size tub big enough for plus me

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