Quotes About Christina Aguilera

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This page contains quotes about Christina Aguilera taken from the Saidwhat Quotation Database.

Christina Aguilera - What's been said:

Its really beautiful and expensive and I like it a lot. I’ve gotten a lot of complements on it. It just seemed erotic in a place most people wouldn’t have the guts to do it
- Christina Aguilera on a diamond stud piercing in a very private part of her body.
- Rolling Stone, Nov. 14, 2002.
Christina Aguilera Quotation

On Christina Aguilera: She couldn't be in the Kittens, no way! Not with those outfits. Her stylist wants to have a word.
Liz McLarnon Quotation

On Christina Aguilera: She's an ungrateful, spoiled-rotten a*shole.
Fred Durst Quotation

Christina Aguilera's got a pretty voice.I like her voice. No disrespect to Britney Spears - she got a nice voice too, but I think Christina Aguilera could do more soul with her voice. She could probably sound better on a hip-hop track than that pop.
Snoop Dogg Quotation

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