Henry VIII Quotes

Henry VIII quotations
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About Henry VIII

This is the final one of Shakespeare's plays about the Kings called Henry, having had ones about 4, 5 and 6 but nothing to say about the seventh one apparently.  King Henry VIII is probably one of the most famous Kings of England and so therefore if you are interested in him and in Shakespeare, this is the play for you...

Author / Creator: Wiliam Shakespeare

Henry VIII Quotations

It seems the marriage with his brother's wife
Has crept too near his conscience.

Said by: Lord Chamberlain
Reference information: Act II, Scene II

Heaven keep me from such counsel! 'Tis most true
These news are every where; every tongue speaks 'em,
And every true heart weeps for't: all that dare
Look into these affairs see this main end,
The French king's sister. Heaven will one day open
The king's eyes, that so long have slept upon
This bold bad man

Said by: Lord Chamberlain
Reference information: Act II, Scene II

We had need pray,
And heartily, for our deliverance;
Or this imperious man will work us all
From princes into pages: all men's honours
Lie like one lump before him, to be fashion'd
Into what pitch he please.

Said by: Duke of Norfolk
Reference information: Act II, Scene II

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