Pericles Quotes

Pericles quotations
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About Pericles

Pericles may not mean much to you, but it is infact the title of one of the history plays of a certain William Shakespeare who most certainly will mean something to you...

Author / Creator: Wiliam Shakespeare

Pericles Quotations

But you, my knight and guest;
To whom this wreath of victory I give,
And crown you king of this day's happiness

Said by: Thaisa
Reference information: Act II, Scene III

He's but a country gentleman;
Has done no more than other knights have done;
Has broken a staff or so; so let it pass.

Said by: Simonides
Reference information: Act II, Scene III

Alas, my father, it befits not me
Unto a stranger knight to be so bold:
He may my proffer take for an offence,
Since men take women's gifts for impudence

Said by: Thaisa
Reference information: Act II, Scene III

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