Draco Malfoy quotes

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Draco Malfoy

About this character:

Character from the Harry Potter series of books by J K Rowling.

Draco Malfoy, played by Tom Felton, is the sworn enemy of Harry Potter amongst the student body at Hogwarts. From a pure blood family the Slytherin boy who is a favourite of Severus Snape and comes from a powerful family that counts death eaters amongst their number, he despises Harry Potter from the start.

Their dislike of each other features prominently and flares up at several times through the novels.

As Draco's character develops in Harry Potter books and consequently the movies he has a particularly nasty task to perform however ultimately he fails to execute that task showing that he is perhaps not actually as bad as things seem and does have a conscience somewhere.


You're going to regret this.
Draco Malfoy

Can't even go into a bookshop without getting your picture in the front page.
Draco Malfoy

You filthy little mudblood!
Draco Malfoy

Bet you loved that Potter. Famous Harry Potter can't even get into the bookshop without making the front page
Draco Malfoy

Scared Potter...(Harry) You wish
Draco Malfoy

Filthy little mudbloods
Draco Malfoy

Yah you're not dangerous at all are you? you filthy beast!
Draco Malfoy

The Forbidden Forest!!! But students aren't allowed in there... I'll tell my father!
Draco Malfoy

Look Potter, you got yourself a girlfriend!
Draco Malfoy
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