Manuel quotes

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About this character:

Long suffering butler in Fawlty Towers played by Andrew Sachs.

Manuel was a great foil to the role of Basil Fawlty played by John Cleese.

Andrew Sachs's character Manuel in the smash hit BBC comedy that had far too few episodes, only 12, was effectively bullied and taunted on many occasions by Basil who treated him with some sort of disdain.

The tagline often used was that he was to be excused for being inept because he was from Barcelona and a lot of comedy arose from Manuel apparently not quite understanding what Basil wanted to happen, with comic consequences.

Andrew Sachs was in the news a couple of years ago when Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand made an infamous phone call to him that led to Brand having to quit the BBC for a while and the suspension of Jonathan Ross who subsequently left the BBC in 2010.


I come from Barcelona.
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