Monica Geller quotes

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Monica Geller

About this character:

Character from US comedy, Friends, she is the sister of Ross.

It is well known that in the past Monica had something of a weight problem and comedy jokes are often made out of this fact.

She is obsessed with being tidy and tidying, and in later series she has a relationship with Chandler ultimately leading to the two of them getting married with much comedy around their relationship and how Ross finds out about it.

Monica is played by Courteney Cox and is one of the most popular characters in the smash hit comedy television show that is Friends.


Hey, Joey, what would you do if you were omnipotent?
Monica Geller

... I don't care if the entire cast Eight is Enough comes out of there...
Monica Geller

Rachel to Monica: So are you making Joey a sandwich? Monica: No, more like a wrap.
Monica Geller

To Joey: Plus, everyone's going to see your thing!
Monica Geller

I haven't been sick in over 3 years A Choo
Monica Geller
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