Queen Amidala quotes

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Queen Amidala

About this character:

Character from classic science fiction hit, Star Wars; Star Wars has been one of the most successful set of films ever.

Padme Amidala is famously played in the Star Wars movies by Natalie Portman and becomes the love interest of Anakin Skywalker and of course this makes her the mother of Luke Skywalker the main protaganist of the smash hit Star Wars movies.


You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?
[to Anakin]
Queen Amidala

Obi-Wan told me terrible things...that you turned to the Dark Side and that you killed Younglings.
Queen Amidala

I don't know you anymore...Anakin you're breaking my heart, you're going down a path I can't follow.
Queen Amidala

Anakin, come back I love you!
Queen Amidala

I will not watch my people die, Senator.
Queen Amidala

So this is how Liberty dies...with thunderous applause.
Queen Amidala

How do know of this?
[asks Obi-Wan]
Queen Amidala

Noo! Not Anakin!
Queen Amidala
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