Spongebob quotes

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About this character:

From the cartoon, Spongebob Squarepants, which is an animated television series.

if the characters sound a little odd even by cartoon standards, then creator of the show was an unusual mix of marine biologist and animator, and that may have something to do with it.

They all live in an underwater city that is called Bikini Bottom, no less. It has been a very popular series, with 140 episodes.


Yea, at least you not bald and have a big nose

Patrick: Spongebob, I need you to chop off my hands
Spongebob: I can't patrick
Patrick: Why not?
Spongbob: Because I already chopped of MINE!

Krusty krab costomer: hey! what's that?
spongebob:that my dear friend is a whole you see...
coustomer:not that. that (pointing to a sandwich)?
spongebob:oh thats a krabby patty with jellyfish jelly.why i call it a krabby patty with jellyfish jelly!


Hi, Squidward! I've been practicing how to flop on my back.

Spongebob: what do you usually do when i'm gone?
patrick: waiting for you to come back.

Spongebob to sandy(while stuck in patrick's 'gummy'): o hey sandy! looks like i got myself in a sticky situation.

Hahahaha. patrick's a loser!

Welcome to our club! Welcome to our club! Welcome Squidqard, welcome Squidward!

You cant rush perfectionn!!

Don't genius live in lamps?- Patrick

Love is handing someone a gun and letting it point to your head, believing that he won't pull the trigger.

Peanut butter and jelly time! peanut butter and jelly time!

Patrick: I'm gonna need a garden hose and a flat bed truck. Oh, and I'm gonna need you to remove your trousers.

Spongebob:Hey Patrick are you mad too?
Spongbob:Why are you mad?
Patrick:I can't see my forehead

Squidward: Patrick, why is your suitcase full of rocks??!
Patrick: Hey, I don't tell you how to live your life!

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