Snoopy quotes

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About this character:

Cartoon character, created by Charles Schulz.

Snoopy appears in the comic strip called Peanuts, which is of course very long running, and first appeared incredibly way back in 1950.

So who is Snoopy for those who haven't come across him? Well he is a dog, in fact he is a beagle, and the pet of Charlie Brown. He is perhaps one of the most well known comic strip characters anywhere in the world and Snoopy and Peanuts cartoons appear in many newspapers around the world.

Originally Snoopy was going to be called Sniffy, but luckily the name of Snoopy came along instead and fits the bill for this famous comic strip dog.


My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm Happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?
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