Extraordinary afflictions are not always the punishment of
extraordinary sins, but sometimes the trial of
extraordinary graces
View quotes by Matthew HenryExtraordinary people survive under the most terrible circumstances and they become more
extraordinary because of it.
View quotes by Robertson DaviesPeople do not decide to become
extraordinary. They decide to accomplish
extraordinary things.
View quotes by Edmund HillaryExtraordinary how potent cheap music is.
View quotes by Noel CowardThey're unique and
extraordinary animals and the world would be poorer without them [on giant pandas]
View quotes by David SuchetDo not wait for
extraordinary circumstances to do good action; try to use ordinary situations.
View quotes by Jean Paul RichterSunderland are making a rare soiree into Wolves territory here,
View quotes by Simon CrabtreeThey're unique,
extraordinary animals and the world would be the poorer without them [on giant pandas]
View quotes by David SuchetRonnie Barker was a straightforward man who had this
extraordinary ability to make the nation laugh
View quotes by Michael PalinSomething magnificent has happened to me and something
extraordinary, and I'm so happy I just can't restrain myself [on getting engaged to Katie Holmes]
View quotes by Tom CruiseYoungsters of the age of two and three are endowed with
extraordinary strength. They can lift a dog twice their own weight and dump him into the bathtub.
View quotes by Erma Bombeck"It sounds
extraordinary but it's a fact that balance sheets can make fascinating reading."
View quotes by Mary ArcherWe must overcome the notion that we must be regular... it robs you of the chance to be
extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre.
View quotes by Uta HagenI had an
extraordinary response with messages of support including from several people in the media [on being egged on getting an honorary degree]
View quotes by Jeremy ClarksonBut here's old Ken - he's been crass, he's been insensitive and thuggish and brutal in his language - but I don't think actually if you read what he said, although it was
extraordinary and rude, I don't think he was actually anti-Semitic.
View quotes by Boris JohnsonEvery single member of this Labour government, if you go back 20 years, has made the most
extraordinary 180 degree turn.
View quotes by Brian FeeneyI keep getting these
extraordinary letters from American sports stars saying: 'I've always thought you were one pretty lady and now you're single I want to meet you for a drink.
View quotes by Liz HurleySpace offers
extraordinary potential for commerce and adventure, for new innovations and new tests of will. As Americans, we can't help but reach for the stars. It's our nature. It's our destiny
View quotes by Bill FristI have been trying to point out that in our lives chance may have an astonishing influence and, if I may offer advice to the young laboratory worker, it would be this - never to neglect an
extraordinary appearance or happening.
View quotes by Alexander FlemingYet behind that
extraordinary front presented to the world was one of the shrewdest political minds I ever encountered. She was a natural politician, could read a situation and analyse and assess it as fast as anyone [Mo Mowlam]
View quotes by Tony BlairView Results: page 1
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