Man Quotes

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You can always tell what kind of a person a man really thinks you are by the earrings he gives you
View quotes by Audrey Hepburn

During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man.
View quotes by Thomas Hobbes

'It is by no means enough that an officer be capable...He should be a gentleman of liberal education, refined, manners, punctilious courtesy, and the nicest sense of personal honor... No meritorious act of a subordinate should escape his attention, even if the reward be only one word of approval. Conversely, he should not be blind to a single fault in any subordinate.'
View quotes by John Paul Jones

The smart man learns from his mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.
View quotes by Anonymous

I'm not the callow youth of yesteryear. I'm a man of steel, honed on the handle of life. [Reg in Corrie]
View quotes by Ken Morley

We as consumers will not tolerate a poor product or service, then why do we allow and in fact manage and lead a business that allows a less than tolerable product or service to exist?
View quotes by Jonathon J Salomon

No man's life, liberty or fortune is safe while our legislature is in session.
View quotes by Benjamin Franklin

I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. [The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891]
View quotes by Oscar Wilde

The ancient Romans had a tradition: whenever one of their engineers constructed an arch, as the capstone was hoisted into place, the engineer assumed accountability for his work in the most profound way possible: he stood under the arch.
View quotes by Michael Armstrong

Old age is the most unexpected of all things that happen to a man
View quotes by Leon Trotsky

American business long ago gave up on demanding that prospective employees be honest and hardworking. It has even stopped hoping for employees who are educated enough that they can tell the difference between the men's room and the women's room without having little pictures on the doors.
View quotes by Dave Barry

There are three secrets to managing. The first secret is have patience. The second is be patient. And the third most important secret is patience.
View quotes by Chuck Tanner

As a singer, I've had many opportunities to travel, and one thing I've learned is that through my music, I can be accepted by people all over the world. I often wonder why so many of us can't accept people who are different here, in our country? It's just not fair to be prejudiced against those whose race, religion or colour aren't the same as ours.
View quotes by Celine Dion

I had a normal childhood. There were women, but it wasn't like Hefner's Playboy Mansion. If it was, I'd still be living at home!
View quotes by Enrique Iglesias

Gardening, I told myself, is the most sociable of hobbies. The very nature of one's field of activities demands an audience. No one wants flowers to blush unseen or waste their sweetness.
View quotes by Barbara Cheney

It takes a hell of a lot for a man to put up with me. I can be a handful.
View quotes by Jordan

I was walking along and this chair came flying past me, and another,and another, and I thought, man, is this gonna be a good night
View quotes by Liam Gallagher

Caprice is half man. There is something manly about her.
View quotes by Richard Bacon

I am the only man who can say he's been in Take That and at least 2 members of the Spice Girls.
View quotes by Robbie Williams

I was a complete tart before I met Norman.
View quotes by Zoe Ball

I am beautiful, famous and gorgeous. I could have any man in the world
View quotes by Anna Kournikova

My [manager] wants me to dress like a nun and I want to dress like a teenager.
View quotes by Anna Kournikova

The worst thing a man can ever do is kiss me on the first date.
View quotes by Halle Berry

I'm not into being a celebrity. I'm not about to start demanding four blue candles, three black towels and two beers everywhere I go.
View quotes by Dane Bowers

Our manager is always worried that Nicky will injure himself at football. But I don't really mind because there were only 4 members in The Beatles.
View quotes by Kian Egan

(Diarmuid Gavin) 'What are you wearin' the wife's curtains for?' (Laurence) 'So speaks the man in stonewashed denim!'
View quotes by Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen

'I wanted to be a nun. I saw nuns as superstars.... When I was growing up I went to a Catholic school, and the nuns, to me, were these superhuman, beautiful, fantastic people.'
View quotes by Madonna

'People accuse me of being arrogant all the time. I'm not arrogant, I'm focused. I don't make demands. I don't tell you how it should be. I'll give you [expletive] options, and it's up to you to select or throw 'em away. That should be the headline: If you're insecure, don't [expletive] call.'
View quotes by Russell Crowe

'Six months before he died, my grand-father came to Australia to try to explain to me that he was dying. I was a young kid, very much into myself at the time. I was busking on the streets just to make enough money to pay my rent, There was this Japanese restaurant I'd always wanted to eat at but couldn't afford, so I suggested we go there.' It was an unfortunate choice. In Weans' weakened condition, the smell of the rice and soya sauce brought back memories of the Second World War. 'We couldn't have the talk he wanted to,' says Crowe. 'The day he died, I was in the kitchen of a flat in Woollarah, (an eastern suburb of Sydney). 'Suddenly a kookaburra bird flew in the window. It just looked at me. I knew my grandfather had died. I phoned home and my mother confirmed it. 'I insisted the bird was my grandfather's spirit, but my mom would have nothing of it.' One day last year, Crowe had a dream in which he was holding his mother and she was crying. He phoned home immediately. 'My mother said a woman who had worked closely with my grandfather had come to visit and, without prompting, had told her that on the day my grandfather died a bird had visited her as well. 'Learning this had reduced my mother to tears.' Crowe says he believes that 'with all this talk of angels, maybe they are just birds sent to us by those who have crossed over.' Tuesday, March 14, 2000
View quotes by Russell Crowe

A proverb is one man's wit and all men's wisdom.
View quotes by Lord John Russell

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