Real Quotes

Quote of the Day

When real nobleness accompanies that imaginary one of birth, the imaginary seems to mix with real, and becomes real too
View quotes by Fulke Greville

The key to writing real characters is not to treat everybody like a real person and give everybody a good side and a bad.
View quotes by Jon Favreau

A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues.
View quotes by Theodore Roosevelt

If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.
View quotes by Mahatma Gandhi

What matters is real votes in real ballot boxes [unfortunately not much reality for him]
View quotes by Brian Paddick

Every reader knows about the feeling that characters in books seem more real than real people.
View quotes by Cornelia Funke

To be happy, the passions must be cheerful and gay, not gloomy and melancholy. A propensity to hope and joy is real riches; one to fear and sorrow, real poverty
View quotes by David Hume

Every real thought on every real subject knocks the wind out of somebody or other.
View quotes by Oliver Wendell Holmes

Better reality than a dream: if something is real, then it's real and you're not to blame.
View quotes by Umberto Eco

What makes eBay successful... the real value and the real power at eBay is the community. It's the buyers and sellers coming together and forming a marketplace.
View quotes by Pierre Omidyar

The finest and noblest ground on which people can live is truth; the real with the real; a ground on which nothing is assumed.
View quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson

There's been a lot of speculation about the real reason - if there is a real reason - but the players were happy with Mike [Ruddock]
View quotes by Brent Cockbain

Pele isn't my real name, my real name is Edson. A class-mate wanted to anger me with the name Pele, so I punched him and got suspended from school. I didn't want the name. Pele sounds like baby-talk in Portuguese
View quotes by Pele

Last Christmas (2006) was a real, real low point [she was dumped from her record label and her husband MC Harvey left her for her friend Javine Hylton]. Look at me now, I've learned to dance. I'm happy and I believe it was meant to happen. This was the best Christmas present a girl could ask for.
View quotes by Alesha Dixon

I have to say thank you to Florentino Perez [at Real Madrid] for giving me the chance to actually play for this huge team [Real Madrid] and to play in that white shirt was an honour for four years.
View quotes by David Beckham

I sweat real sweat and I shake real shakes.
View quotes by Elizabeth Taylor

Everything you can imagine is real.
View quotes by Pablo Picasso

Actors don't have real value.
View quotes by Uwe Boll

Nothing is really real unless it happens on television.
View quotes by Daniel Boorstin

You grow up the day you have your first real laugh - at yourself.
View quotes by Ethel Barrymore

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