Visited Quotes

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No other offense has ever been visited with such severe penalties as seeking to help the oppressed.
View quotes by Clarence Darrow

I never saw a moor, I never saw the sea; Yet know I how the heather looks, And what a wave must be. I never spoke with God, Nor visited in Heaven; Yet certain am I of the spot, As if a chart were given.

View quotes by Emily Dickinson

Very little is known of the Canadian country since it is rarely visited by anyone but the Queen and illiterate sport fishermen.
View quotes by P J O'Rourke

No, no. It's [a visited planets' atmosphere] quite healthy. Similar to Earth, before the invention of the motorcar!
View quotes by Doctor Who

I can't really remember the names of the clubs that we went to. [When asked whether he had visited the Parthenon during his trip to Greece]
View quotes by Shaquille O'Neal

Pope John Paul II not only visited Nigeria twice but stood by the country in its fight against dictatorship and injustice.
View quotes by Olusegun Obasanjo

As I visited the various neighborhoods in the campaign, I learned fast that it's a mistake to think that all of the wisdom and possible solutions to our problems are available only in this building.
View quotes by Jane Byrne

I remember when Bill Gates visited me to sell me MS DOS, his operating system. I told him we couldn't take such a retrograde step.
View quotes by Hermann Hauser

The Dalai Lama visited the White House and told the President that he could teach him to find a higher state of consciousness. Then after talking to Bush for a few minutes, he said, 'You know what? Let's just grab lunch.'
View quotes by Bill Maher

'Six months before he died, my grand-father came to Australia to try to explain to me that he was dying. I was a young kid, very much into myself at the time. I was busking on the streets just to make enough money to pay my rent, There was this Japanese restaurant I'd always wanted to eat at but couldn't afford, so I suggested we go there.' It was an unfortunate choice. In Weans' weakened condition, the smell of the rice and soya sauce brought back memories of the Second World War. 'We couldn't have the talk he wanted to,' says Crowe. 'The day he died, I was in the kitchen of a flat in Woollarah, (an eastern suburb of Sydney). 'Suddenly a kookaburra bird flew in the window. It just looked at me. I knew my grandfather had died. I phoned home and my mother confirmed it. 'I insisted the bird was my grandfather's spirit, but my mom would have nothing of it.' One day last year, Crowe had a dream in which he was holding his mother and she was crying. He phoned home immediately. 'My mother said a woman who had worked closely with my grandfather had come to visit and, without prompting, had told her that on the day my grandfather died a bird had visited her as well. 'Learning this had reduced my mother to tears.' Crowe says he believes that 'with all this talk of angels, maybe they are just birds sent to us by those who have crossed over.' Tuesday, March 14, 2000
View quotes by Russell Crowe

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