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Below is a list of proverbs beginning with the letter F:

face to face
Facts are stubborn things
Faint heart never won fair lady
Fair exchange is no robbery
Fair without , false within
Faith will move mountains
Fall seven times, stand up eight
falling star
Familiarity breeds contempt
Fate leads the willing but drives the stubborn
Fear lends wings
Feed a cold starve a fever
Fight fire with fire
Fight truth decay, read the bible
Finders keepers, losers weepers
Fine feathers make fine birds
Fine words butter no parsnips
First come, first served
First Impressions are the Most Lasting
first in the queue
First things first
Fish and guests smell in three days
Fish are no respectors of human boredom, so why go angling
Flies Come to Feasts Unasked
Flies never visit an egg that has no crack
Fogiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the foot that crushed it
Folly grows without watering
Fools and madmen speak the truth
Fools build houses, and wise men live in them
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Fools seldom differ
Football is a game of two halves
for better, for worse
for instance
for sale
Forbidden fruits create many jams
Forewarned is forearmed
Forgive and forget
Fortune favours the brave
four poster bed
Four things drive a man out of his house: too much smoke, a dripping roof, filthy air and a scolding wife
Friends are made by many acts - and lost by only one
Friendship is like money,easier made than kept
From clogs to clogs in only three generations
From the sweetest wine the tartest vinegar
Fruit out of season, sorrow out of reason
full of hope

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