Catherine Tate Quotes

Catherine Tate quotations
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Catherine Tate

I love astrologer Jonathan Cainer. I ring his phone line twice a week and he's always spot on with me and three million other Taureans. But I know it's MY soul he's looking into.
Catherine Tate quote

If people don't know who you are, the show hasn't worked very well - but it's not like I'm bombarded with people shouting bovvered at me.
Catherine Tate quote

If you're writing a catchphrase before you write a character, then that's not a good thing.
Catherine Tate quote

The thing with catchphrases is that you can't make people say them, It's the audience that keeps catchphrases alive.
Catherine Tate quote

People do tend to be a bit wary when I'm around in case I take them off, but I'd never do it.
Catherine Tate quote


British comedienne

Catherine Tate Keywords

Comedienne, British
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