Courtney Cox Quotes

Courtney Cox quotations
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Courtney Cox [Autograph]

I was advised not to do Scream because no one likes horror movies. Then I heard, 'Don't audition because you can't do this bitchy role,' and 'You're way too friendly, no pun intended.' I was also told, 'Play the girlfriend or the doctor or the lawyer - the nice ones.' Now I'm getting scripts where I'm asked to play characters that are tough as nails, and I love it.
Courtney Cox quote

When David [Arquette] and I got engaged we started therapy together. I'd heard that the first year of marriage is the hardest, so we decided to work through all that stuff early.
Marriage | Courtney Cox quote

I'm a gemini, and I get so bored so easily. I mean, I have moved six times in the last eight years.
Courtney Cox quote

A lot of my humor does come from anger. It's like, you're not gonna pull one over on me - which is pretty much my motto anyways.
Courtney Cox quote

I would like to do a part that would stretch me. In America it seems to me that you just take your clothes off and that helps, but I wouldn't want to do that.
Courtney Cox quote

If I like myself at this weight, then this is what I'm going to be. I don't have an eating disorder.
Courtney Cox quote

I'm not a huge fan of romantic comedies- my taste goes much more to the offbeat and dark. I'd love to sink my teeth into something like 'Fargo'.
Courtney Cox quote


Best known for playing Monica in Friends

Courtney Cox Keywords

Friends, Monica, Playing
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