Be not so bigoted to any custom as to worship at the expense of truth
Johann Georg Von Zimmermann quote Pride, in boasting of family antiquity, makes duration stand for merit
Johann Georg Von Zimmermann quote There are few mortals so insensible that their affections cannot he gained by mildness, their confidence by sincerity, their hatred by scorn or neglect
Johann Georg Von Zimmermann quote Though our donations are made to please ourselves, we insist, upon those who receive our alms being pleased with them.
Johann Georg Von Zimmermann quote Many have been ruined by their fortunes; many have escaped ruin by the want of fortune. To obtain it, the great have become little, and the little great
Johann Georg Von Zimmermann quote Open your mouth and purse cautiously, and your stock of wealth and reputation shall, at least in repute, be great
Johann Georg Von Zimmermann quote Idlers cannot even find time to be idle, or the industrious to be at leisure. We must always be doing or suffering
Johann Georg Von Zimmermann quote Contempt is frequently regulated by fashion
Johann Georg Von Zimmermann quote Biography
Swiss physician, 1728 - 95