Laurence Sterne Quotes

Laurence Sterne quotations
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Quotes by

Laurence Sterne

The most accomplished way of using books is to serve them as some people do lords; learn their titles and then brag of their acquaintance.
Books | Laurence Sterne quote

Tis known by the name of perseverance in a good cause, - and of obstinacy in a bad one.
Laurence Sterne quote

Lessons of wisdom have the most power over us when they capture the heart through the groundwork of a story, which engages the passions.
Laurence Sterne quote

I am persuaded that every time a man smiles - but much more so when he laughs - it adds something to this fragment of life.
Laurence Sterne quote

Writing, when properly managed, (as you may be sure I think mine is) is but a different name for conversation.
Laurence Sterne quote

A large volume of adventures may be grasped within this little span of life, by him who interests his heart in everything.
Laurence Sterne quote

I should have no objection to this method, but that I think it must smell too strong of the lamp.
Laurence Sterne quote


English novelist

Laurence Sterne Keywords

Novelist, English
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