Clive James Quotes

Clive James quotations
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Quotes by

Clive James

The British Secret Service was staffed at one point almost entirely by alcoholic homosexuals working for the KGB.
Clive James quote

A traditional fixture at Wimbledon is the way the BBC TV commentary box fills up with British players eliminated in the early rounds.
Clive James quote

Murray [Walker] sounds like a blindfolded man riding a unicycle on the rim of the pit of doom.
Clive James quote

Even in moments of tranquility, Murray Walker sounds like a man whose trousers are on fire.
Clive James quote

Whoever called snooker 'chess with balls' was rude, but right.
Clive James quote

She was good at playing abstract confusion in the same way that a midget is good at being short.
Clive James quote

It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are.
Clive James quote

Disco dancing is just the steady thump of a giant moron knocking in an endless nail.
Clive James quote



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