If you want a modern, compassionate Conservative go for the real thing: that's me. I am it. It's what I think and believe. When I'm under pressure and the the Daily Mail's having a go at me, I'll stick to my guns because that's what I believe in.
David Cameron quote Don't make the mistake of trying to set out every day in this leadership campaign policies that will make us look ridiculous in five years' time
David Cameron quote I think in any organisation it's right to set out what you stand for, what you're fighting for and bring that together in one document so that people can see that the modern compassionate Conservative Party is in it for everybody - not just the rich
David Cameron quote You've taxed too much, borrowed too much and are a roadblock to reform [to Gordon Brown]
David Cameron quote You're an analogue politician in a digital age [to Gordon Brown]
David Cameron quote Billions raised, billions spent. No idea where the money has gone. With a record like that the chancellor should be running for treasurer of the Labour Party [on Gordon Brown]
David Cameron quote In a carbon conscious world, we got a fossil fuel chancellor [on Gordon Brown]
David Cameron quote This chancellor is mortgaging this country's future [on Gordon Brown]
David Cameron quote Biography
David Cameron is the British prime minister, who was asked by the Queen to become prime minister and form the government on the 11th May 2010 following the resignation of hitherto Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.
He formed Britain's first peacetime coalition in memory with the Liberal Democrats, and said that his premiership would see us all having to tighten our belts as the country had to overcome tough economic times and a huge national debt which the government has said in large part is due to gross mismanagement by Labour during its 13 years in power, mainly under Tony Blair but for the last few years by Gordon Brown.
He is seen to be a progressive Conservative so-called which means he is in the centre politically rather than on the right and as such may welcome the input of the Liberal Democrat views into the party to help complete the modernisation of the party that he has been creating under his leadership to try to re-align the Conservative party with the views of the public after their demolition in 1997 under John Major which has taken many years to overcome, infact this was the first time anyone thought they had a chance of being elected since 1997 so the recovery has taken a long 13 years.