This is the most obscene remark made by a senior politician in recent years and signals a shift to the right of terrifying proportions. If the death penalty had been in place for the last 30 years, dozens of people, who were later proved innocent, would have been killed. [In response to a Tory MP speaking in favour of the death penalty]
Mark Oaten quote What are the kind of words that somebody would use which could then be implied to be incitement? This will be hard legislation to draft.
Mark Oaten quote It is a disgrace that the Government should choose the day on which the Work and Pensions Secretary has resigned to conceal these findings
Mark Oaten quote Errors of judgement in personal behaviour [in response to claims he used a male prostitute]
Mark Oaten quote I will not be commenting further at this time and would now ask for some space and personal privacy for me and my family
Mark Oaten quote I have stood down as home affairs spokesman for the party
Mark Oaten quote I would like to apologise for errors of judgement in personal behaviour and for the embarrassment caused, firstly to my family but also to my friends, my constituents and my party.
Mark Oaten quote Biography
Lib Dem MP, hence considered out of touch with the real world by a very many people