Michael Portillo Quotes

Michael Portillo quotations
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Michael Portillo

They now disguise the shambles they have got into by deciding it's all the fault of the media. I think this is now easily the most shambolic campaign run by Labour since 1983. [on the idea that Labour politicians might be the victims of media plots]
Michael Portillo quote

I was amazed how small they looked - both Clarke and Milburn looked like Pygmies!
Michael Portillo quote

He's [Lord Turnbull] a bit of a stickler for convention and doesn't like things done in a rude way.
Michael Portillo quote

I do not know if the prime minister will win the next election but you are never going to see Gordon Brown regarded in the same way he was in his first 100 days.

In his first 100 days he seemed to be infallible, he was untouchable, he was gliding across the top of the waves. You are never going to see Gordon Brown reported in that fashion again.
Michael Portillo quote


Ex-Conservative politician, turned commentator and Z list celeb on trashy TV shows

Michael Portillo Keywords

Celeb, Trashy, Shows, List, Politician, Commentator, Ex-conservative
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