At last they've got a manager who speaks better English than they do
Brian Clough quote If God wanted us to play football in the air, then he would have built a pitch in the clouds
God |
Brian Clough quoteIf I had an argument with a player we would sit down for twenty minutes, talk about it and then decide I was right!
Brian Clough quote When you get to a certain age, there is no coming back.
Brian Clough quote I've decided to pick my moment to retire very carefully - in about 200 years time.
Brian Clough quote Show me a talented player who is thick and I'll show you a player who has problems.
Brian Clough quote If we can stop hooliganism, we can go a long way towards stemming this great tide of people not going to football matches.
Brian Clough quote Football hooligans? Well, there are 92 club chairmen for a start.
Brian Clough quote Biography
Football manager