Gordon Strachan Quotes

Gordon Strachan quotations
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Quotes by

Gordon Strachan

The world looks a totally different place after two wins. I can even enjoy watching Blind Date or laugh at Noel's House Party.
Gordon Strachan quote

It's always great fun getting attacked. One of the highlights of my career. He got fined £100 for that but they had a whip-round in the pub and he got £200. [on being attacked in 1980]
Gordon Strachan quote

We even competed for the acne cream when we were younger. Obviously, I won that one [on Alex McLeish]
Gordon Strachan quote

I can see the loony hats being super-imposed on me now but I still believe we can reverse it.
Gordon Strachan quote

I've had better weeks. I tried to make it better by playing my dad at golf on Sunday. We played 13 holes and I got beat by a 60-year-old man with a bad limp. So hopefully bad things happen in threes and that will be the last of it.
Gordon Strachan quote

If I was a centre-half and was having to put my head in and get cut, I would be saying to people out wide 'Don't allow these crosses or I'll come and knock your head off myself, you try being here for some of them
Gordon Strachan quote

It is 10 past 11 on my watch. It is funny when somebody asks me how long is to go on a Saturday. I just wanted a reminder that when I get ideas above my station, how football can kick you in the guts
Gordon Strachan quote

If I go to the movies with Lesley, we will go to the 4pm show. Only three or four other sad people are there. Even then, that can lead to you laughing at something the other guy may not find funny and there's a problem
Gordon Strachan quote


Scottish football manager

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Manager, Football, Scottish
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