Harry Redknapp Quotes

Harry Redknapp quotations
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Harry Redknapp

I like Toddy, don't I? No I'd take him. I would take him. I would take him without a doubt.
Harry Redknapp quote

He didn't make a mistake on purpose. Referees need help out there [on Chris Foy]
Harry Redknapp quote

Why can't the fourth official, who is wired up to the referee, have a monitor by the side of the pitch and tell the ref what really happened?
Harry Redknapp quote

The boy dived and the penalty has cost us dear. People say diving has become too frequent but it has always happened.
Harry Redknapp quote

Surely we should use the technology to stamp it out and put things right
Harry Redknapp quote

I took Kanu on the Tuesday before the first game of the season because I never had any strikers. He said he hadn't kicked a ball since last season and I asked him if he'd been training.
Harry Redknapp quote

After shooting practice yesterday, I had to drive up the M27 and collect four balls!
Harry Redknapp quote

To be in the top four alongside teams like Chelsea, Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal is incredible
Harry Redknapp quote


Manager, and father of eternally injured Jamie who probably makes more from Sky Sports commentary now! Harry has managed a lot of football clubs in his time at time of writing at Portsmouth

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