Patty Schnyder Quotes

Patty Schnyder quotations
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Patty Schnyder

I hate playing her and I don't play if I'm on the court against her. It's her person and everything around her. It's not her game. It's not the tennis that's the problem. It's my mind. [on playing Anna Kournikova]

Patty Schnyder quote

It was just very exciting, diving in the tank with the sharks and the big stingrays and the mantas. It's a great world under water. I love it.
Patty Schnyder quote

I think it's really one of the rare ones where there was no match at all. I was just off, and she was all over me. [losing to Mauresmo]
Patty Schnyder quote

I don't know really what happened to me. She just took advantage and didn't let it go. [losing to Mauresmo]
Patty Schnyder quote

It is really always up and down what I go through in grass-court matches. So it was really good to come through a difficult one
Patty Schnyder quote


Swiss tennis player

Patty Schnyder Keywords

Player, Tennis, Swiss
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