Eric Cartman quotes

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Eric Cartman

About this character:

Hilarious character from South Park Cartoon who is a friend of Stan, Kyle and Kenny.

He is portrated as being extremely overweight, mean and spoiled and often has big rows with the other characters, and other people that appear in the show in general.

Some of the most amusing moments in the animated television cartoon series come when he bad mouths someone who overhears him, and then a big row ensues.

He is definitely one of the most popular and recognisable of characters on the show.


Hippies.They're everywhere. They wanna save the earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.
Eric Cartman

Screw you guys...I'm going home
Eric Cartman

Talking pooh is where I draw the line.
Eric Cartman

Whatever...Ill do what I want
Eric Cartman

I am a cop, and you will obey my athorita!
Eric Cartman

Cripple Fight
Eric Cartman

Respect My Authority!
Eric Cartman

I would never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried something, I'd be like, HEY! You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!
Eric Cartman

They're not people, they're hippies!
Eric Cartman

You know the feeling when the huge dump you just took shoots back up your ass?
Eric Cartman

Mr. Jefferson is the best thing that has happen to south park in a long time in if you screw this up, My GOD help me i will rip your balls with my bear hands ,you hear me my bear hands.
Eric Cartman

There is only one thing worse than standing at the top of the Stairs with three clock in the Morning, and that is realising the wait.
Eric Cartman

Mum!! Mum!! I'm king of the sea people...
Eric Cartman

Im not fat..i just got a sweet hockey body
Eric Cartman

I keep tellin them im big boned,hell yeah i want fudge doddles
Eric Cartman

Im so beef cake i cant fit threw the door
Eric Cartman

Screw you guys, I'm goin' home!
Eric Cartman

They're Hippies, they don't have any money!
Eric Cartman

God damit
Eric Cartman

Ok, that does it! Now listen! Why is it that everything today has involved things either going in or coming out of my ass? It's completely immature!
Eric Cartman

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