Chandler Bing quotes

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Chandler Bing

About this character:

Character from US comedy, Friends, and his full name is Chandler Muriel Bing.

Being a fictional character, he has an interesting background, with his mother being a racy novelist and his fathera Vegas burlesque star. He has a mix of scottish and swedish ancestry.

As one of the six main characters of Friends, the popular US comedy television show, his character undergoes a lot of development over the course of all the seasons of the show and he ends up married to Monica Geller.


Life is my lesbian wedding!
Chandler Bing

Ross: i cant believe my wife turned out to be a lesbian'

chandler: i wish i was a lesbian
(looks around)
wait did i just say that out loud?
Chandler Bing

Chandler: (joey is sitting in his chair) im gonna sing you a song...uhh its called get up
Chandler Bing

(Episode 113: The One with the Boobies; Chandler and Joey come out of the girls' apartment, and they see an unknown women sitting at their door) Oh look! it's the women we ordered.
Chandler Bing

I'm sorry, I just don't like the idea of when I'm saying 'I do'; he's thinking 'Yeah, I'd do her too!
Chandler Bing

When Monica buys him a bunny costume:
Monica: It was a pink bunny or no bunny at all
Chandler: No bunny at all!, ALWAYS NO BNNY AT ALL!
Chandler Bing

(Janice what a small world)and yet I never run in to Beyonce!
Chandler Bing

Chandler: All i ever hear is 'Richard, Richard, Richard...'
Monica: Since we've been going out, I think I've mentioned his name twice
Chandler: Fine... All i hear is 'Richard Richard!!
Chandler Bing

No you didnt get me its an electric drill, you get me you kill me!
Chandler Bing

(Episode were Joey moves into Chandler's apartment.)
Chandler: 'Chandler Bing'
Joey: 'Whoa! Short message!
Chandler Bing

No, no, no.. You say that proudly.
Chandler Bing

Well, lets see.. There is the guy with the ferrets..thats plural. Then the guy that enjoyed my name so much he had to make a little noise at the end of it. 'Nice to meet you Chandler Bing 'BING!'.' 'Great apartment Chandler Bing 'BING!'.
Chandler Bing

Oh! Liked what she saw? Dug my action did she!? Checkin out the Chan Chan Man!!
Chandler Bing

(Chandler tries to leave the hotel, but Monica convinces him to stay and takes his baggs for him.)
Monica: This is empty.
Chandler: Yeah, I wanted to make a scene but I hate packing.
Chandler Bing

Could I be wearing anymore clothes!
Chandler Bing

Handle? I can handle it. Handle is my middle name. Well, actually its the middle part of my first name.
Chandler Bing

Like Shorts,
But Longer!
Chandler Bing

Chandler:[Considering Joey for a roomate] And this actor guy which I'm not sure about cause' when I picked up the phone and said 'Chandler Bing' he said 'Woah short message.
Chandler Bing

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