Could Quotes

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'I could be unbelievably horrible and stupid. On tours I'd get on a plane, then get off it, maybe six or eight times. I'd walk out of a hotel suite because I didn't like the colour of the bedspread. I remember looking out of my room at the Inn on the Park one day and saying, 'It's too windy. Can someone please do something about it.'
View quotes by Elton John

They kept trying to sponge down my face with cool water and all I could do was shout 'be careful of my hair!' because I didn't want it to go all curly (on giving birth to son Harvey)
View quotes by Jordan

On Christina Aguilera: She couldn't be in the Kittens, no way! Not with those outfits. Her stylist wants to have a word.
View quotes by Liz McLarnon

I am beautiful, famous and gorgeous. I could have any man in the world
View quotes by Anna Kournikova

Secretly part of me has always wanted to try cocaine, but I just couldn't imagine sniffing anything up my nose. It seems like that would hurt.
View quotes by Halle Berry

I sometimes think I was born to live up to my name. How could I be anything else but what I am having been named Madonna? I would either have ended up a nun or this.
View quotes by Madonna

I am rich and famous. I have a talented and gorgeous husband and two beautiful children. I could go on.
View quotes by Madonna

On the breakup of All Saints: Nat couldn't fart without almost being told to leave the band.
View quotes by Nicole Appleton

'Six months before he died, my grand-father came to Australia to try to explain to me that he was dying. I was a young kid, very much into myself at the time. I was busking on the streets just to make enough money to pay my rent, There was this Japanese restaurant I'd always wanted to eat at but couldn't afford, so I suggested we go there.' It was an unfortunate choice. In Weans' weakened condition, the smell of the rice and soya sauce brought back memories of the Second World War. 'We couldn't have the talk he wanted to,' says Crowe. 'The day he died, I was in the kitchen of a flat in Woollarah, (an eastern suburb of Sydney). 'Suddenly a kookaburra bird flew in the window. It just looked at me. I knew my grandfather had died. I phoned home and my mother confirmed it. 'I insisted the bird was my grandfather's spirit, but my mom would have nothing of it.' One day last year, Crowe had a dream in which he was holding his mother and she was crying. He phoned home immediately. 'My mother said a woman who had worked closely with my grandfather had come to visit and, without prompting, had told her that on the day my grandfather died a bird had visited her as well. 'Learning this had reduced my mother to tears.' Crowe says he believes that 'with all this talk of angels, maybe they are just birds sent to us by those who have crossed over.' Tuesday, March 14, 2000
View quotes by Russell Crowe

That's the trouble with being me. At this point, nobody gives a damn what my problem is. I could literally have a tumor on the side of my head and they'd be like, 'Yeah, big deal. I'd eat a tumor every morning for the kinda money you're pulling down.'
View quotes by Jim Carrey

I like a big bust, but if they're wearing a Wonderbra, you could leave the club with Jordan and find Kate Moss pops out.
View quotes by Mark Feehily

I must say that I do wrestle with the amount of money I make, but at the end of the day what am I gonna say? I took less money so Rupert Murdoch could have more?
View quotes by Tom Hanks

I couldn't have found a better man than Brad. He still opens doors for me and brings me flowers. He's the sweetest goofball on the planet.
View quotes by Jennifer Aniston

They say I was a bad Batman, that it was my fault, that I buried the franchise. But the truth is, it was a big project. I was pretty intimidated in that world. I did the best I could in the situation I was given.
View quotes by George Clooney

On Natalie Imbruglia: 'She's the kind of girl you could either rob a bank with or take to church.'
View quotes by Bono

On Leonardo DiCaprio: What is he - eleven? thirteen? I could play his nanny.
View quotes by Sophie Marceau

I just couldn't live without dogs.
View quotes by Tara Reid

'I ain't no saint, but I've tried never to do anything that would hurt my family or offend God... I figure all any kid needs is hope and the feeling he or she belongs. If I could do or say anything that would give some kid that feeling, I would believe I had contributed something to the world.'
View quotes by Elvis Presley

If my jeans could talk, would I be embarrassed?
View quotes by Brooke Shields

If it was something that I really committed myself to, I don't think there's anything that could stop me becoming President of the United States
View quotes by Will Smith

And I think if people could hear what the coaches are saying, they will realise there's a lot more to this game than hitting the ball.
View quotes by Andre Agassi

Nothing can substitute for just plain hard work. I had to put in the time to get back. And it was a grind. It meant training and sweating every day. But I was completely committed to working out to prove to myself that I still could do it.
View quotes by Andre Agassi

If acting didn't work out for me, I could be a professional trampolinist.
View quotes by Reese Witherspoon

'I've got a black woolen hat and it's got PERVERT written across the front of it. It's the name of the clothing label. And I was with my wife and my baby at the supermarket and I didn't think. I just put my hat on Clara's head, because it was cold. And the looks. I couldn't figure out why I was getting death looks. And then I realized my 10-month old baby's wearing a hat with the word pervert written on it and these people were like, 'There's Satan! There's Satan out with his kid!' And then I made a point of her wearing it every time we went there.'
View quotes by Ewan McGregor

I couldn't deal with playing a character who rides motorcycles and has a leather jacket and is a tough kid, y'know?
View quotes by Leonardo Dicaprio

"I could deal with this [Pokemon] if I smoked a couple of grams of blacktar heroin."
View quotes by Robert Downey Jr

Obviously I wanted to be a bus driver - and I still do. If only I could get a part time job.
View quotes by Jerry Springer

I am always crazy for hot women. I am like a rabbit. I could do it anytime, anywhere (Rod giving us too much information)
View quotes by Rod Stewart

"I could get into bed with James Bond, then take my false leg off and it would really be a gun."
View quotes by Heather Mills

'And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face... and the world we once believed in will shine again in grace. Then why do we keep strangling life wound this Earth, crucify its soul. Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly. We could be God's glow... Heal the world.'
View quotes by Michael Jackson

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