Girls Quotes

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People see Archie Bunker everywhere. Particularly girls; poor girls, rich girls, all kinds of girls are always coming up to me and telling me that Archie is just like their dad
View quotes by Carroll O'Connor

I don't mind girls or boys. My mother gets upset when I say I want all girls because Apple is so fabulous.
View quotes by Gwyneth Paltrow

When I'm out with my girlfriends at the bar, and I see some young 18-year old boy, just for fun I say, 'Hi honey. Do you like girls? Do you like girls exclusively? Oh, good.'
View quotes by Yasmine Bleeth

I'm an expert at kissing girls necks, they love it. Girls say I'm quite sensitive, but I'm hyperactive too.
View quotes by Lee Ryan

I absolutely love my tattoos. The girls and I decided that the next time Girls Aloud have a No. 1, we'll all get one done. I want us to get something that only makes sense if we all stand in line, though!
View quotes by Cheryl Tweedy

Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don't have time.
View quotes by Tallulah Bankhead

Italian girls are famous for being snobby and expecting men to make the first move. In America, if I don't make eye contact, the guys won't come over and talk. American girls just go for it.
View quotes by Silvia Colloca

Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.
View quotes by Helen Gurley Brown

Girls talk to each other like men talk to each other. But girls have an eye for detail.
View quotes by Amy Winehouse

Well girls, shall we go?
View quotes by Dana X Bible

Big girls need big diamonds.
View quotes by Elizabeth Taylor

Girls should never have to pay for their drinks
View quotes by Sam Marchant

The girls look like they are a band already - the boys don't
View quotes by Louis Walsh

Our girls are not public figures.
View quotes by Laura Bush

I am the only man who can say he's been in Take That and at least 2 members of the Spice Girls.
View quotes by Robbie Williams

"I'm not against half naked girls - not as often as I'd like to be."
View quotes by Benny Hill

I felt alienated at school, and I never did well with girls.
View quotes by Burt Bacharach

Girls are so queer you never know what they mean. They say no when they mean yes, and drive a man out of his wits for the fun of it.
View quotes by Louisa May Alcott

Girls we love for what they are; young men for what they promise to be.
View quotes by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

We got into music to avoid a job, and get lots of girls.
View quotes by Paul McCartney

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