Thanks Quotes

Quote of the Day


With thanks to God we know the way to heaven, to be as ready by water as by land, and therefore we care not which way we go. (When threatened with drowning by Henry VIII)
View quotes by Friar Elstow

That's a bit weak, could you add another splash please... oh and an ice cube, thanks.
View quotes by Francis Urquhart

Thanks to God, I am still an atheist
View quotes by Luis Bunuel

'I was just looking for a warm meal somewhere. Thanks for inviting me to dinner' - turning up to Thanksgiving dinner in Iraq
View quotes by George W Bush

Thanksgiving is a typically American holiday... The lavish meal is a symbol of the fact that abundant consumption is the result and reward of production.
View quotes by Ayn Rand

Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.
View quotes by Albert Schweitzer

Thank God we're living in a country where the sky's the limit, the stores are open late and you can shop in bed thanks to television.
View quotes by Joan Rivers

My thanks to the Academy for the very finest, greatest award that any actor can ever receive. The only thing a man can say at a time like this is - I am not really bald.
View quotes by Tommy Lee Jones

I was the first one in my group to get married. Now I've split up, they're all married. They're like 'Come with us to our couple's retreat'. No thanks.
View quotes by Ethan Hawke

Who cared if there was really any Being to pray to? What mattered was the sense of giving thanks and praise, the feeling of a humble and grateful heart.
View quotes by Oliver Sacks

But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.
View quotes by Thomas Jefferson

It has been an unchallengeable American doctrine that cranberry sauce, a pink goo with overtones of sugared tomatoes, is a delectable necessity of the Thanksgiving board and that turkey is uneatable without it.
View quotes by Alistair Cooke

It's been quite a roller coaster ride, but I've grown and learned a lot about myself... The greatest thing is being able to interact with fans and touch people's lives... For that I give thanks.
View quotes by Christina Aguilera

We can give thanks for our health and happiness, the support we receive from our families and friends, some wonderful memories and the excitement that each new day brings
View quotes by Queen Elizabeth II

Young people are more sophisticated today, thanks to magazines and movies and even porno cable television. As a New Yorker I think I've matured faster than other young people. I'm street smart
View quotes by Phoebe Cates

Dear Lord; we beg but one boon more: Peace in the hearts of all men living, peace in the whole world this Thanksgiving.
View quotes by Joseph Auslander

I'd like to put a sticker on my head that says 'Doing fine thanks, don't ask'
View quotes by Michael Owen

Coexistence is defined as what the farmer does with the turkey - until Thanksgiving comes along!
View quotes by Mike Connolly

Here are a list of Quotes from the delightful Northern Irish Comedian Danny McCrossan

Even the most powerful lie detector invented couldn’t drag a secret out of a woman, however, women rarely have lunch with lie detectors… - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian

See women need to talk because they feel like they have to have adequate levels of communication in order to sustain a healthy and open relationship, whereas men are only driven to speak because of matters beyond their control, like not being able to find clean socks. - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

In Pagan times, uninspired people made sacrifices at the altar, and today, thanks to marraige, many still do. - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

When women are bored they do the usual things, they eat, they go shopping, they neurotically judge the looks of other women, but men, men invade another country! - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

Anything that I’ve ever done that ended up worthwhile, initially scared me to death. Wether it was walking out on stage for that very first time, or asking a girl to include me in her plans for the future, but you know what, You have to risk everything sometimes or you risk even more. It’s not the challenges we face that define us, it’s the actions we take. - Danny McCrossan -Northern irish Comedian.

Everyone had big plans for me when I was younger, it was a cliche “Danny can do anything he wants to do” So I did the only thing I ever thought was worthwhile, bring laughter into the world. How I came to been seen as somewhat of a dissapointment to all those people who had made plans for me, well that still makes me chuckle. - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

You learn alot in your teenage years, for instance I learned that if you’re ever being chased by a police dog, try not to go through a little tunnel, then onto a mini seesaw and then jump through a ring of fire, they’ve trained for that y’see. - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

Asking people in Northern Ireland what they think of politics is like asking the Jews what they think of Hitler. - Danny MCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

There are too many warnings on packaging these days - defrost before eating - Use as directed - I mean, what’s next, you buy a packet of condoms, warning - may contain nuts! - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

I say don’t conform, don’t allow yourself to be pigeon holed, it’s no good for the soul, and the pigeon doesn’t enjoy it either. - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

I remember how nervous I was my very first gig and I remember when I walked out on stage and spoke those words, how the audience laughed and laughed. I swore, there and then, that one day I would have my revenge. - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

The sign said “This door to remain closed at all times” Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t that defeat the purpose of a door? - Danny McCrossan - Northern Irish Comedian.

View quotes by Danny McCrossan

Thanks to our viewers - both of you - for watching tonight, and not succumbing to the last drop of your favourite tipple in the bottle! [on This Week]
View quotes by Andrew Neil

A baby changes your dinner party conversation from politics to poops [very pleasant thanks for that mental image Maurice!]
View quotes by Maurice Johnstone

Thanks very much for tuning in and listening to the show, hopefully you're going to be entertained in the next couple of hours!
View quotes by Bailey Schneider

He who thinks and thinks for himself, will always have a claim to thanks; it is no matter whether it be right or wrong, so as it be explicit. If it is right, it will serve as a guide to direct; if wrong, as a beacon to warn.
View quotes by Jeremy Bentham

A refined nature is vexed by knowing that some one owes it thanks, a coarse nature by knowing that it owes thanks to some one
View quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche

Our thanks, of course, go to the spitting cobras, axolotls, golden frogs, dwarf chameleons, those happy tortoises, and this belongs not to me or to them but the production team
View quotes by David Attenborough

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