Quotes About Pope John Paul II

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This page contains quotes about Pope John Paul II taken from the Saidwhat Quotation Database.

Pope John Paul II - What's been said:

We are grateful to him for the tireless and difficult work he carried out unstintingly against all forms of totalitarianism, violence, oppression and moral degradation, all in the name of the values of the Catholic Church, which are the supreme values of human dignity and solidarity. [on Pope John Paul II]
Silvio Berlusconi Quotation

A good and faithful servant of God has been called home.

The world has lost a champion of peace and freedom. [on Pope John Paul II]
George W Bush Quotation

I was deeply saddened by the death of Pope John Paul II.

Quite apart from his role as a spiritual guide to more than a billion men, women and children, he was a tireless advocate of peace, a true pioneer in interfaith dialogue and a strong force for critical self-evaluation by the Church itself.
[on Pope John Paul II]
Kofi Annan Quotation

This mourning deeply marks France as well as every French person who identifies with the message of the Catholic Church. [on the death of Pope John Paul II]
Jacques Chirac Quotation

The world has lost a religious leader who was revered across people of all faiths and none. He was an inspiration, a man of extraordinary faith, dignity and courage.

Throughout a hard and often difficult life, he stood for social justice and on the side of the oppressed, whether as a young man facing the Nazi occupation in Poland or later in challenging the Communist regime.

He never wavered, never flinched, in the struggle for what he thought was good and right.
[on Pope John Paul II]
Tony Blair Quotation

We have lost a very important religious figure who dedicated his life to peace and justice for all. [on the death of Pope John Paul II]
Mahmoud Abbas Quotation

A great Pope - our most outstanding fellow countryman, the Holy Father, a good father to all of us, believers and non-believers, followers of different religions - is no more. [On Pope John Paul II]
Aleksander Kwasniewski Quotation

Our people receive the news of his death with a deep sense of grief and loss.

He was a holy champion of the Filipino family and of profound Christian values that make everyone of us contemplate... what is just, moral and sacred in life.
[on Pope John Paul II]
Gloria Arroyo Quotation

We have always seen the Pope, and will always see him, as a friend who was concerned for the poor, who fought neoliberalism and strove for peace.
[on Pope John Paul II]
Felipe Perez Roque Quotation

Until the end of his life, Pope John Paul II carried out his mission with energy and clarity. The suffering he did not hide in his last years never altered his determination.
Jose Socrates Quotation

Pope John Paul II was an exceptional man, his legacy will transcend generations.
Vicente Fox Quotation

For us Catholics, Pope John Paul II will be remembered as a travelling Pope... and we should also remember he preached world peace. When the United States invaded Iraq, for example, John Paul II said it was an illegal and immoral act.
Hugo Chavez Quotation

The story of Pope John Paul II is that of a man of immense faith and conviction and, in latter years, great personal courage.

He engaged with human culture and civilisation in every aspect and in every corner of the world.
Mary McAleese Quotation

Pope John Paul II not only visited Nigeria twice but stood by the country in its fight against dictatorship and injustice.
Olusegun Obasanjo Quotation

It is with extreme sadness that we hear of the passing of the leader of the world's Catholics, His Holiness Pope John Paul II, who commanded the three paths of religious learning, philosophical thought and poetical and artistic creativity.
Mohammad Khatami Quotation

Israel, the Jewish people and the entire world, lost today a great champion of reconciliation and brotherhood between the faiths.

This is a great loss, first and foremost for the Catholic Church and its hundreds of millions of believers, but also for humanity as a whole.
[on the death of Pope John Paul II]
Silvan Shalom Quotation

The atmosphere is very strange for all of us. Germans and Italians feel very connected to the Pope, as many other countries do. [on the death of Pope John Paul II]
Michael Schumacher Quotation

Thank you, Pope [sticker on his helmet in the Bahrain Grand Prix 2005, as a mark of respect for Pope John Paul II]
Jarno Trulli Quotation

We welcome the new Pope and wish him every success in the daunting challenges that lie ahead.

...We hope that he will continue along the path of Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II in working to enhance relations with the Jewish people and the State of Israel. [on the election of Pope Benedict XVI]
Jonathan Sacks Quotation

This is a great honour for Germany.

I think he will be a worthy successor to Pope John Paul II. I congratulate him on behalf of the government and all Germans. [on the election of Pope Benedict XVI]
Gerhard Schroeder Quotation

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