Chandler Bing quotes

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Chandler Bing

About this character:

Character from US comedy, Friends, and his full name is Chandler Muriel Bing.

Being a fictional character, he has an interesting background, with his mother being a racy novelist and his fathera Vegas burlesque star. He has a mix of scottish and swedish ancestry.

As one of the six main characters of Friends, the popular US comedy television show, his character undergoes a lot of development over the course of all the seasons of the show and he ends up married to Monica Geller.


Oh, I think this is the episode of Three's Company where there's some kind of misunderstanding.
Chandler Bing

So, in the words of A.A.Milne 'Get out of my chair, Dillhole!
Chandler Bing

It seems like every time he we talk he wants to say my name, so that when he gets to my last name he can exaggerate the bing. BING!
Chandler Bing

was that place, the sun?' (commenting on where Ross got his overly tanned tan from)
Chandler Bing

Stop staring at my wife's, no, stop staring at your sisters legs!
Chandler Bing

Good night, you big freak-of-nature!
Chandler Bing

...Of course, there is an apartment on top where Joey could grow old.
Chandler Bing

(When Rachel asks him for advice)I'm not really good at giving advices. Do you want a sarcastic comment?
Chandler Bing

(To Joey when he raises the idea of hitting a woman whom they thought was a stalker with a frying pan) Yes, hitting her with a frying pan is a good idea. We might want to have a back-up plan though, just in case she isn't a cartoon!
Chandler Bing

(Joey says something senseless and asks 'Know what I mean?') Do you?
Chandler Bing

(Chandler talking about how he hates taking bath) You just sit there stewing in you own filth.
Chandler Bing

(To Monica) I don't wanna take a bath. Can't you draw a picture of us having sex on the balcony instead?
Chandler Bing

Look at all the space on her side of the bed. You could fit a giant penguin over there. That'd be weird though
Chandler Bing

Rock ... Hard Place ... Me
Chandler Bing

All right, look if you absolutely have to tell her the truth, at least wait until the timing's right. And that's what deathbeds are for
Chandler Bing

Holy double-vented comfort batman
Chandler Bing

Yes, on a scale from one to ten, ten being the dumbest a person can look, you are definitely nineteen.
Chandler Bing

Chandler: [reading the paper] Says here that a Muppet got whacked on Sesame Street last night.
Chandler Bing

Kathy to Chandler: Wow, you have really gorgous hair.
Chandler: Thanks, I grow it myself.
Chandler Bing

(People not listening to Chandler talking) Shall I use my invisibility to fight crime or for evil...
Chandler Bing

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