Atmosphere Quotes

Quote of the Day

The atmosphere's great but I didn't get the practice I would do at home [on being distracted by The Crucible atmosphere]
View quotes by Jimmy White

Agitation is the atmosphere of the brains.
View quotes by Wendell Phillips

A certain amount of distrust is wholesome, but not so much of others as of ourselves; neither vanity not conceit can exist in the same atmosphere with it.
View quotes by Suzanne Curchod Necker

The general atmosphere of Lord's is more like a prayer meeting than a ball game.
View quotes by Alistair Cooke

No, no. It's [a visited planets' atmosphere] quite healthy. Similar to Earth, before the invention of the motorcar!
View quotes by Doctor Who

The club [Real Madrid] has a fantastic set-up with marvellous people. The atmosphere at training is perfect - it's just wonderful
View quotes by Ruud Van Nistelrooy

A photographer must be prepared to catch and hold on to those elements which give distinction to the subject or lend it atmosphere.
View quotes by Bill Brandt

Normally you can hear DJ George playing his records but even he was drowned out by singing [on the atmosphere in the Champions League semi]
View quotes by Jamie Carragher

The atmosphere is breathtaking. It's different to a soccer stadium where fans sit in a very compact space [on watching a Grand Prix]
View quotes by David Beckham

Tennis is a perfect combination of violent action taking place in an atmosphere of total tranquillity.
View quotes by Billie Jean King

After matches you want people to go straight in front of the cameras and the media and it's a highly-charged atmosphere so you have to be careful.
View quotes by Clive Woodward

The conscience of children is formed by the influences that surround them; their notions of good and evil are the result of the moral atmosphere they breathe.
View quotes by Jean Paul Richter

Today was not about times, it was about getting in there, enjoying the race, and enjoying the atmosphere [on winning NY marathon]
View quotes by Paula Radcliffe

The best way to keep children home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant - and let the air out of the tyres.
View quotes by Dorothy Parker

I cannot love anyone if I hate myself. That is the reason why we feel so extremely uncomfortable in the presence of people who are noted for their special virtuousness, for they radiate an atmosphere of the torture they inflict on themselves. That is not a virtue but a vice.
View quotes by Carl Gustav Jung

The cup of tea on arrival at a country house is a thing which, as a rule, I particularly enjoy. I like the crackling logs, the shaded lights, the scent of buttered toast, the general atmosphere of leisured cosiness.
View quotes by P G Wodehouse

It was an unbelievable atmosphere in the stadium, the support was tremendous. It would be difficult for any visiting team in Cardiff on a day like this, the fans carried us through. [on winning 2005 6 Nations, completing the Grand Slam]
View quotes by Shane Williams

The atmosphere is very strange for all of us. Germans and Italians feel very connected to the Pope, as many other countries do. [on the death of Pope John Paul II]
View quotes by Michael Schumacher

Even if we bowl first, the atmosphere will nearly carry us all out into the middle with a capacity crowd ready to roar into action for their beloved teams. One of the areas we identified as our downfalls in England was a loosening of intensity in our training regime.
View quotes by Justin Langer

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