Bill Cosby Quotes

Bill Cosby quotations
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Bill Cosby [Autograph]

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
Success | Bill Cosby quote

A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.
Advice | Bill Cosby quote

As I was examining my past I realized I started out as a baby. Unfortunatly so did my brother. My mother did not put all of her eggs in a basket so to speak. After I was born my mother had a new son who taught me the meaning of survival of the fittest.
Bill Cosby quote

Let us now set forth one of the fundamental truths about marriage: the wife is in charge.
Bill Cosby quote

Men and women belong to different species and communications between them is still in its infancy.
Bill Cosby quote

My eleven year old daughter mopes around the house all day waiting for her breasts to grow.
Bill Cosby quote

Nothing separates the generations more than music. By the time a child is eight or nine, he has developed a passion for his own music that is even stronger than his passions for procrastination and weird clothes.
Bill Cosby quote

Parents are not interested in justice, they're interested in peace and quiet.
Bill Cosby quote



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