Quotes beginning with L

Quote of the Day


La quinta columna. The fifth column. [Comment on hopes of civilian uprising in Madrid, 1937]
- Emilio Mola quotes

Labels are devices for saving talkative persons the trouble of thinking
- John Morley quotes

Labels are for filing. Labels are for clothing. Labels are not for people.
- Martina Navratilova quotes

Labor disgraces no man; unfortunately, you occasionally find men who disgrace labor.
- Ulysses S Grant quotes

Labour have already given parents the power to draw up plans for their own schools
- Jim Knight quotes

Labour is itself a pleasure
- Manilius quotes

Labour itself is but a sorrowful song, The protest of the weak against the strong
- F W Faber quotes

Labour tend to believe it's all or nothing. You're either a stay at home mum or a career woman.
- Michael Howard quotes

Labour was the first price, the original purchase - money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labour, that all wealth of the world was originally purchased.
- Adam Smith quotes

Labour, despite all their rhetoric and no doubt their good intentions, haven't been able to deliver.
- Malcolm Rifkind quotes

Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure in every walk of life
- Napoleon Hill quotes

Lack of money is the root of all evil.
- George Bernard Shaw quotes

Lack of will power has caused more failure than lack of intelligence or ability.
- Flower A Newhouse quotes

Ladies playing cricket - absurd. Just like a man trying to knit.
- Len Hutton quotes

Ladies were ladies in those days; they did not do things themselves (Period Piece)
- Gwen Raverat quotes

Lady Astor to Winston Churchill: 'Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink.' Churchill's reply: 'Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it.'
- Winston Churchill quotes

Lady, if I were built in proportion, I'd be 8ft 10.
- Joel Garner quotes

LaMotta couldn't punch at all but he was tough, kept coming.
- Fritzie Zivic quotes

Lampsy, I reckon. The girls like him a little bit. If I was that way I'd see something in him [on the best looking chelsea player]
- John Terry quotes

Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything, for 'Tis the only thing in this world that lasts, 'Tis the only thing worth working for, worth fighting for - worth dying for.
- Margaret Mitchell quotes

Landing a role now is not based on my looks - more on my acting ability.
- Jude Law quotes

Landon is talking now. He's saying 'Yo!' all the time and his mother doesn't like it. When he goes out, people want to shadow-box with him - he holds his hands up, throws punches and says 'Box! Box! [on his son]
- Lennox Lewis quotes

Landscape is to American painting what sex and psychoanalysis are to the American novel.
- Robert Hughes quotes

Language has not the power to speak what love indites: The soul lies buried in the ink that writes
- John Clare quotes

Language is a form of human reason, which has its internal logic of which man knows nothing.
- Claude Levi-Strauss quotes

Language is a wonderful thing. It can be used to express thoughts, to conceal thoughts, but more often, to replace thinking.
- Kelly Fordyce quotes

Language is not only the vehicle of thought, it is a great and efficient instrument in thinking.
- Humphrey Davy quotes

Language is the dress of thought.
- Samuel Johnson quotes

Language tethers us to the world; without it we spin like atoms
- Penelope Lively quotes

Language... has created the word 'loneliness' to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word 'solitude' to express the glory of being alone.
- Paul Tillich quotes

Lapdancing and establishments full of scantily clad women? Yes, they are categorised the same as a pub or bar - only in Britain!
- Anonymous quotes

Large skepticism leads to large understanding. Small skepticism leads to small understanding. No skepticism leads to no understanding
- Xi Zhi quotes

Last chance. Basically, last chance. [on what the Ashes mean to him]
- Graham Thorpe quotes

Last Christmas (2006) was a real, real low point [she was dumped from her record label and her husband MC Harvey left her for her friend Javine Hylton]. Look at me now, I've learned to dance. I'm happy and I believe it was meant to happen. This was the best Christmas present a girl could ask for.
- Alesha Dixon quotes

Last guys don't finish nice.
- Stanley Keeley quotes

Last night I dreamed of a small consolation enjoyed only by the blind: Nobody knows the trouble I've not seen!
- James Thurber quotes

Last night I dreamt I ate a ten pound marshmallow. When I woke up the pillow was gone.
- Tommy Cooper quotes

Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. (Rebecca, 1938)
- Daphne Du Maurier quotes

Last night I neglected to mention something that bears repeating.
- Ron Fairly quotes

Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer... (Friends)
- Matt Le Blanc quotes

40 quotes beginning with L

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